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Randhir lazily rub his eyes as he heard his Mother waking him up. " Randhir wake up baby, your father is calling you down. Be fast, he's already mad at you don't give him another chance ".... She shook him.

Randhir frustratingly sat up straight on the bed as soon as the mention of his dad reached his ear drum, what else his father have to do!!! " come down fast ".... Nisha tried to caress his forehead when Randhir turned his face to the other side.

He would have been touched with this motherly gestures of her if She had showed them when he was a child, not now when he's a grown up guy. Nisha awkwardly look here and there trying to maintain a straight face.

" Come fast we're waiting ".... She walked away not even looking back at once.

Randhir felt bad treating his mother like this... But the lost and craving child in him still can't get over the events when his classmates in Dubai used to bully him, taunt him.

" Let it go Ron "... He palmed his face heaving urgently. Getting out of the bed he carried his clothes to the washroom.


Harsh impatiently gazed the stair case waiting for his sight. He straightened his back on seeing randhir coming down while folding his sleeves.

He took his seat that is three paces away from his parent's. Harsh glanced at Nisha as if asking whether to start the conversation.

Harsh cleared his throat while randhir chose to neglect it and serve him self some juice. " Hope you know we're flying Udaipur with tonight's flight. ".... Harsh started realising his son's neglegance.

Randhirs didn't say anything and preferred to concentrate on his cheese sandwich. Harsh leaned back in the chair for he's very familiar to this cold behaviour of his son. Without waiting for his reply or anything he continued. " We have chosed to reach there by mid night and the credit goes to you. "

Randhir ceased chewing on his sandwich as he heard his father mocking him. What he thinks of Randhir!!! Harsh smirked raising his brow as if saying ' I have thousands of ways to seek your attention son. I'm your freakin father!!! '

Randhir rolled his eyes sensing his father smirk at his victory. " We don't want people to see you, your presence, your unwanted nature and your stupid behaviour and your this so called anger that do nothing but would create a bad impression on them. Your grandfather have a name there. That's why we're decided to land there in mid night ".... Said his father pointing his finger at randhir.

" If I am a shame for you than why are you even taking me there. Why don't you leave me here? ".... Randhir replied with patience and hurt.

He is stubborn, temperamental, child like... That doesn't mean his own father would consider him as shame. Randhir placed the quarter finished sandwich back in the plate while the idlis.... His favourite breakfast remained untouched.

" That's what my great problem is. I can neither leave you behind to create problems for me nor I can take you there. "... harsh looked through his eyes giving him tough looks. " But in the end I have to choose either option... Then why not the latter one. I would at least be relieved when you'll be in front of my eyes. "

Randhir threw the glass of the juice on the floor realising how low his father thinks of his son and dashed out of the house banging the door.

" Randhir randheeer "... Nisha went behind him but he was gone already. She longingly see his parked bike near the gate feeling pity for him. " what is this harsh!! We had already talked about it, you will not say something like that then why did you do that?? "..... She almost screamed feeling bad for randhir.

Harsh coolly played with the spoon that was in his hand and said. " I can't help it Nisha. Whenever I see your son, the annoyed father in me wakes up ".... Nisha disgustingly look at her husband.

" You're the worst father I've ever seen harsh. I feel like... That would have been better I would have aborted him then ".... She threw a fork in his lap storming towards her room while harsh sat there chuckling.

' Ohh that you could know Nisha how bad I feel treating my own son like that... Only I know what I'm going through during this time. But I have to make everything normal like before and this is the only way I could bring back my Randhir... My old Randhir '

Harsh removed his artificial glasses wiping his tears. Heaving out a breath he got up moving out of the house to get some peace.

While on the other hand, Randhir sat on the rock facing the calm sea crying silently.

' Am I that bad that my father thinks I'm his shame '

He murmured in a breaking voice asking his own self. There was a time when he used to be proud on calling him his blood. Have the time fled soo far or still is there any hope left!!!


THEIR First meet.

To be continued....

I feel bad for those children who's parents behave the same with them... One's my very own friend. She literally cries when her father does the same with her.

Coming to this part.... Hope that was good. Next part me first meeting. 😁😁😁

Next part tomorrow... But only After 80 votes. Or else... Whenever I'll get time 🙈🙈

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