Chapter 1

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 The Road to Westbrook

It was a great day, I can tell that. My father was meeting few of his clients. And he took me to this overseas trip so graciously. I have been never out of my home country India before. But this a great opportunity for me to meet with some new friends. Perhaps go on an adventure? Who knows what kind of surprise was waiting to happen.

I looked at the white sandstone building in front of me. My father let me go to look around. It was indeed beautiful. Lifeless yes but beautiful. I suddenly lost my footing and almost fell on the floor. Almost because someone caught me in time. "Careful" he said. His voice send chills down my spine and I have no idea why.

I opened my eyes and looked into the man's. He had silver green eyes. And they were breath taking. His dark hairs were complementing them greatly. He straightened me up. And then he looked at my dress. I was wearing a Kurta and salwar with dupatta. I saw my bangles broke and were on the floor some even stuck into his hand where he held me.

"who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked. Gee does he have any manners? Or he simply doesn't know how to talk to a girl. "Answer me" his sudden voice made me jump. But I contained myself from screaming at him. No one ever had talked with me harshly. "Sorry sir, She is my Daughter." My father came to my rescue. "Mr. Roy, please take care of your daughter this is not a place for little girls to roam" Is he threatening me? And who is he calling a little girl?

My father squeezed my hand to keep me from lashing out. He knows I don't like anyone who insults me. And why is he calling the man sir? "If you follow me I think we have a lot to discuss." The man said and my father nodded. I followed them quietly. There is no way I am going to let this man insult me and get away with it this easily.

"Sit down" The man whose name I still don't know said. My father sat down and I did too. "Coffee?" He asked. "Sure" My father said. He called someone and said "two coffees" I cleared my throat and he surprised me by saying "Do you have anything for kids" What the...He is surely testing my patience.

My father was still silent as the coffee arrived and see this a pack of carrot juice yes, the thing I hate most. The woman placed them on table and stood by his side. Great just great, he is humiliating me again and again. And I am not a child. I wanted to scream. "Shall we begin?" He asked my father. "We should." I looked expectantly at my father And he switched the drinks. Good, I love him.

The man looked at us and then took the coffee from my hand and placed the juice in front of me again. Right. "Caffeine is not good for little girls" I wanted to kill him. I am just so embarrassed. It is not my fault that I look like I am still in middle school when in truth I am in first year of my college, this isn't right. I chose not to comment. "So, Mr. Roy you want us to invest in your company, can I know the reason why? How I can be benefited?" He asked. Why always about benefit with these persons? They never care for how much good they can make by sometimes just looking out for the others.

"I own a medicine company Mr. Westbrook. It is not a very big company. But I dedicated my life to search for the better ways to help those who needs. I want to make the life easier for those who are suffering from chronic diseases." I love my dad he is always manages to inspire me. "I like the passion in your voice. But passion doesn't pay Mr. Roy. I want to see figures and I want to see if I ever get benefited from investing in your company.

Billionaires, how dare he mocked my father's wishes like that? "Sure we can give you profit Sir, but for that you have to make sure that you don't violate our moral duties towards the other people." I said. I didn't realised it then, but everyone who was in the room turned silent. Including my father.

Oops I thought out loud didn't I. But for some reason Mr. Westbrook looked amused. Sure, maybe no one ever questioned him or stood up to him but he is sadly mistaken if he thinks no one will ever do it. "Your daughter..." He paused. "Anika, Her name is Anika" My father said. "Anika, lovely name" Although coming out of his mouth it sounded more like Aanika "She have quite habit of speaking where she shouldn't"

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