Chapter 35 "I missed you"

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Jade closed her eyes as Niall said her name again closer to her this time.

She turned to face him, still avoiding eye contact. What could she do? What should she say, could she get herself to say anything?

Niall exhaled loudly when Jade faced him and a smile spread across his face.

The room was still quite and everyone was intent on Jade and Niall, who still hadn’t said anything to each other.

“Apple?” Lux said holding up the apple sauce breaking the silence.

Thank God” Jade thought as she looked at Lux.

Niall’s hand moved towards Jade, she instantly froze, but he just shook Lux hair.

“Hey gorgeous, want me to open the apple sauce for you?” he said.

Lux held out the sauce to Niall who took it. Jade let herself look at Niall for the first time since he had said her name. She took everything about him in, his blonde hair and the brown roots peeking through, his eyes, the face he made when he was concentrating on something, she saw his braces, his butt chin which made her knees go week, just everything. He was looking down at the can of apple sauce in his hand as he opened it and looked up rapidly looking at Lux and finding Jade looking at him. Jade looked away as her stomach twisted at the sight of those blue eyes staring back at her.

“I’ll give it to Jade” (Another hit to Jade’s heart at the sound of her name coming from Niall) “Ok Lux? So she can give you some” Niall said handing the can to Jade.

Jade turned back to face him, she reached out to take the can, Niall handed her the can and there fingers brushed against each others. Niall smiled again.

“Thanks” Jade said finally able to get something out. She turned around as she walked towards the bed and the others. When she did, everyone jerked back to life.

“Hey guys” Niall said following Jade.

“Hey Niall” everyone said in union.

Jade sat on the left side of the bed and Niall took a spot on the right across from her, next to Mari.

“Hey Mari, how was the flight?” He told her, glancing once at Jade who was now feeding Lux.

“It was good. Better than expected.” Mari said smiling.

“I’m glad you decided to come, and I’m really glad you came along too Jade” He said looking down now.

“Thanks.” Mari said. Jade didn’t answer.

“I’m so glad she decided to come as well she’s a life saver.” Mari said trying to cover for Jade's silence.

Silence again.

“I’m done! Niall? Want to go Next?” Lou said now trying to save Mari and Jade.

Niall looked up “Sure” he said with not much enthusiasm, but with a small smile.

Harry looked at Mari who shrugged, then Mari looked at Lou who shrugged and looked at Zayn who looked at Louis and then everyone was looking at Liam he looked at everyone with huge eyes and mouth, “what?”. They all gesture at Niall and then at Jade

“Uhh soo last night guys, me and Zayn had this killer competition of Fifa, and I finally beat him!” Liam said.

“He got lucky that’s why” Zayn said and soon after all the boys got into a fifa related conversation, leaving behind the whole Jade not talking thing. Lou quickly after that finished all the other boys hair. But while they waited the boys didn’t give Niall a chance to bring up conversation with Jade.

“All done” Lou said turning off the blow dryer and patting Zayn on the back.

“You guys look absolutely handsome as always thanks to me.” She added making everyone laugh.

“We better get going guys, interview starts in a few” Harry said.

“See you after babe?” Harry said to Mari,

“Of course” Mari answered standing on her tiptoes to kiss Harry.

“I’ll call Eleanor maybe she wants to go get breakfast with you girls?” Louis said.

“Yea sounds great” Mari said

“Ok.” Louis said taking out his phone.

“I’ll take Lux, don’t worry” Jade said to Lou who looked at her.

“Oh gosh thanks! I have to go with the boys in case of a hair malfunction” Lou said starting to pack Lux’s baby bag.

“No worries, you go ahead.” Jade said smiling, until she caught Niall looking.

“Eleanor said she’ll be down in five and see you at the restaurant, and thanks. She needed some girl time.” Louis said walking towards the door.

“Okay, sounds perfect.” Mari said walking out with Harry.

Lou finished the bag and then threw all the hair products in another and pulled it over her shoulder as she handed Jade Lux’s bag.

“It’s got everything you might possibly need.” Lou said as Jade put the bag over her shoulder and picked up Lux.

“Kay” She said smiling.

Everyone now was walking out the door.

As Jade walked out she said “thanks” to who ever had held the door open for her.

“You’re welcome” Niall’s voice said.

After Lou locked her door Niall caught up to Jade while everyone walked to the elevator.

“I’m really glad you came Jade” He said.

Jade just looked at him and smiled.

“I thought you weren’t going to make it. That you forgot.” He said.

The elevator doors opened and Jade hurried in, leaving Niall behind. At least she didn’t  have to answer him anymore. Once everyone was in Jade in the back of the Elevator and Niall in the front Zayn pushed the lobby button and the elevator doors closed and down it went.

The boys started heading to the right towards the interview, and Mari waited for Jade to head on off to the left.

 Mari took Lux from Jade and they started walking when..

“Jade wait” Niall said grabbing her arm gently.

She turned.

“I really want to catch up on things with you. Can we maybe talk later?” He said to her.

Said swallowed and breathed out “Kay”.

Niall hugged her, and Jade couldn’t help but to close her eyes as everything came rushing back. She breathed in his smell, she felt so good and comfortable in that position, like she was finally where she needed to be. Niall then moved away and leaned close to her face.

“I missed you” He said smiling that lovely Niall horan smile. The boys called after him and he started to walk away.

One Thing Girl Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon