Chapter 28 "Poop Head!"

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“What do you mean by she did it first?” Mari was asking Harry.

After Jade had ran into her house, Mari had comforted her for about an hour, she made her some tea and now Jade was asleep on her bed. Mari had imediatly phoned Harry after she was certain Jade was asleep and now she leaned against the door frame of her bedroom as she listened to Harry answer the question she had just asked.

“I mean, he saw the picture of her and that one guy” Harry answered.

“What do you mean that 'one guy'?” Mari asked whispering.

She took one last look at her best friend, before she moved from the doorframe and headed into the kitchen.

“The guy she has on her facebook, he was looking through the pictures you had on your facebook and somehow came across Jade’s profile and that picture of her and the guy who’s in a picture with you, her, and your friend Nina” Harry spoke.

“Alec?” Mari asked surprised.

“Is that his name? What are they dating now or something,  I saw that picture too” Harry said.

“Are you being serious right now Harry, you honestly think Jade would be dating someone after she told me she was in love with Niall, member I told you?” Mari said.

“Well...” Harry started to say before Mari cut him off

“OMG, Harry! I can’t believe you think that! Alec is the one that helped her realize her feelings for Niall, you poop head!” Mari said to him.

“Oh, well you never told me that. I’m sorry.” Harry said.

“No, I’m sorry.” Mari answered him

“Poop head?” Harry asked.  Mari could just picture him smirking.

“Ugh. I’m Sorry I was just getting worked up” Mari said. “and stop smirking!” she added.

“Huh, wait, what, how do you know I’m smirking? Is there a hidden camera in here or something?” Harry said laughing.

Mari giggled. “No, I just know you! Don’t make fun of the names I use when I am mad” she said.

“That was you when you’re mad? Maybe I should make you mad more often if you’re going to act that cute!” Harry said.

“Oh geez.” Mari said laughing.

“I Love you ok.” Harry said.

“Ugh, I love you too!” Mari said.

“I can’t wait till the day after tomorrow; I want to hold you in my arms already.” Harry said in that one voice that made Mari get all tingly.

“I still can’t believe this is really happening to me right now.” Mari said.

“What do you mean?” Harry asked.

“This. Us. Thee Harry Styles is my boyfriend, mine.” Mari said.

“Are you going to have another breakdown like you did at Jade’s the first time we met? Man I wish I was there.” Harry said with a flirty tone.

“Harry, I’m being serious.” Mari said.

“I know. I’m sorry. But I can’t believe I have you in my life. Your one of the best things that has ever happened to me! I’m the world’s luckiest guy.” Harry said, now with a serious tone.

“I love you.” Mari said as a happy tear rolled down her face.

“Me more” Harry said.

“I wish Jade was as happy as you make me feel. It’s just sad.” Mari told Harry.

“I know. If only everything was just fixed between them already. But everything’s just messed up. Both think the other has moved on, when neither of them have.” Harry said to Mari.

“I know. Hey, so this Camille girl, what’s going on between Niall and her?” Mari asked.

“I honestly don’t know, all I know is that she’s Niall's dance partner for the awards tonight and they've gone out to grab a bite to eat a couple times. Niall hasn’t mentioned anything about them dating, dating. Plus Josh always goes with them he’s the one dating one of the dancers, Emily.” Harry said.

“Hmmm, there just friends then? Maybe I can get Jade to stick with the plan of us going to New York. She said she wasn’t going anymore but maybe I can get it into her head that there just friends, just like her and Alec.” Mari said.

“Yea that sounds good. I’ll try talking to Niall again, but he made us promise not to bring up the subject. I already broke the other promise I made of not telling anyone about him finding that picture” Harry said.

“Can you try? For me?” Mari asked.

“For you, anything” Harry said.

“Mari?” Jade called from the room.

“Coming” Mari called back.

“I gotta go babe, it’s late here anyways have a good show okay? Thanks again. See you soon.” Mari said.

“She's awake? Ok. No I love you today? Oh come on” Harry said.

Mari smiled. “I love you Harry Edward Styles, forever ok?” Mari said.

“Thanks, I love you more, forever.  Can you send me a kiss, please!” Harry said.

“Mari, where are you?” Jade called again.

“I have to go, *Muaah*” Mari said sending a kiss through the phone.

“See you soon.” Harry said, after Mari hung up the phone and went to her room.

“I’m here” she said sitting next to Jade on the bed.

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