Authors Note! :D

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I Just wanted to say Thanks to everyone who has read and is still keeping up with my story.

You guys have no idea how much it means to me! I'm like at over 7,000 reads! :O I know I guess that's not a lot since there's stories out there that have been read like 35,000 times ahaa but for me it's AMAZING! I literally fangirled when it reached 500 reads, imagine me at 7,000 ? haha

One Thing Girl was supposed to be over already but some new ideas came to mind, Hope It's not boring ya'll but I've got a few tricks up my sleve coming up! I'm so SOOO excited for you guys that are reading!

This Story started off as a short How my friend Jade (Real girl) Meets Niall! & I decided to make it into this!  And you guys just extended it! Eeep!

Just wait till next chapter, which  I'm working on right NOW!! You guys will be surprised! Hope I'm keeping you on your toes!

Love You all.

-Mari xx

P.S. All the peoples names I use on here are actually real people in life that I know haha! If we become friends maybe you're name will show up in the story as well, but I can't promise you you'll be a nice character. Haha

Also Please tell me how i'm doing it actually really does help in this writing process. I'll know what you like and what you don't. Keep Commenting & Voting for the storie guys, You guys are PhenomiNIALL <3 get it? lol

Love ya lots guys. Tootles.

Thanks if you read all of this! #OneThingGirl <3

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