Chapter 53 "Fan Shirts"

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“Liam texted me” Lou said to all the girl’s who sat on the floor of her hotel room cutting and pasting things onto paper and sewing things onto shirts.

Jade looked up at Lou.

“What he say?” Mari asked.

“Niall has the letter.” Lou said looking at Jade.

“Now it’s all up to him.” Jade said turning her attention back to the mini projects they were working on.

“Do you want your shirt to say anything Jade?” Emily asked.

No answer.

“Hello? Earth to Jade.” El said waving her hand in front of Jade.

“What?” Jade asked snapping back.

“Are you alright?” Camille asked.

“Yea. I..I guess I’m just nervous.” Jade answered.

“Don’t be. Everything is going to turn out great.” Mari said.

Jade smiled then said “I wonder what he’s thinking.”

“I bet he’s happy.” Lou answered her.

The girl’s got quite and after a while the question Emily had asked came up again.

“Do you think she should have a shirt like this?” Emily asked.

“Well since we all our making one, why not?” Lou asked.

“Maybe she should have it a bit different you know?”El answered.

“How different?” Camille asked.

“Like a different shirt, different?” Jade asked.

“I don’t know. I think what we are trying to get out of this is for her to look like she did when they met for the first time.” El said.

“Yea, Yea. Like a regular fan girl dressed for a One Direction concert.” Camille said with a smile.

“But that’s what we’re doing here aren’t we?” Emily said. “We can cut up the shirt differently maybe?”

“I have a better idea. She actually has the perfect shirt for this.” Mari says standing up.

“I do?” Jade ask’s.

“Yup. Remember when I packed your suitcase? Well I found this one shirt at the bottom of your shirt drawer and I uhhh packed it for you.” Mari said a bit nervous.

“What shirt?......Oh I know! I had forgotten about it.” Jade said.

“Care to explain ladies?” El said.

“Yeah. When Jade went on that date with Niall in Ireland they jumped into a pool after a interview and..” Jade was saying when lou cut her off.

“Niall gave her one of his dry shirts to wear, since we were going out to dinner. I remember because I gave you some leggings right?” Lou said with a smile.

“Yes.” Jade said smiling remembering that day. “It fits me a tad big though?” Jade then added.

“It’s alright. That’s how shirts are being worn now a days. We’ll make it work.” El said.

“I’ll go get it, I know where exactly I packed it.” Mari said heading towards the door.

“I’ll go with you.” Camille said standing up.

“Kay.” Mari answered her as they headed out the door.

“I’m actually excited about these shirts, I haven’t ever worn one of these to any of Louis concerts. Wonder what he’ll say.” El let the girls know.

“I think he’ll be thrilled.” Jade said.

“We are going to look like real what are they called?” Lou asked.

“Fan girls?” Jade said with a smile.

“Yes! And every boy will have a special shirt made for them.” She added.

“Even the guitar man and the drummer right Em?” Jade said.

“Of course.” Emily said gluing something to her ‘I Love the Drummer’ shirt.

The girl’s continued until the other girls came back and all start working on Jade’s shirt as she is made to feed Lux. They didn’t want to her to see what they had planned.  




A tear falls and lands on the letter as a second tear starts to fall Niall catches it before it hits the paper again.

He looked at the letter for a second time before folding it up and putting it back in the envelope before putting it into his pocket.

“She Loves me” Niall says with the biggest smile as his eyes shine with the wetness of the unshed happy tears.

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