Chapter 24 "OMG New York!"

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An hour had passed since Jade had announced she loved Niall, and Mari was told all the details on how it happened and how Alec helped. She was also glad to help Alec with Nina. They had been sitting at the table talking when Nina came by.

“Hey guys! You aren’t going to dance?” Nina asked.

Mari and Jade looked at each other with a smile, then looked at Alec.

“Yea, we were just about to go, right Jade?” Mari said.

“Right. We just needed a fourth person, so one of us wouldn’t be the odd man out.”Jade said smiling at Nina.

“Exactly. Now Alec has a partner.” Mari said with a HUGE smile on her face.

Alec started turning pinkish again.

“Oh” Nina said, looking at Alec turning a little pink herself.

“If you don’t want to dance with me, it’s ok” Alec said.

“Oh, no, no of course I do. Actually thought you wouldn’t want to dance with me” Nina said shyly.

A smile crossed Alec’s face, as he stood up and took Nina by the hand.

“Score!” Jade said into Mari's ear and they secretly high fived each other.

They all got to the dance floor and started dancing. When “One Thing” Came on. Everyone started screaming, and jumping up and down.

“Get out, get out get out of my head, and fall into my arms instead!” Mari and Jade sang along proudly.

They danced for quite some time. At one point they all started taking pictures together. Alec took out his phone and took one with each of the girls. Everything was going perfectly. It was getting late and Jade and Mari did have to wake up early for a teacher conference they had. They said their goodbyes, and Mari promised to upload all the pictures on Facebook so they could all copy them.

As they approached their street, Mari asked.

“Sleep over at my place or what?”

“Yes please” Jade answered.

They got to Mari's house and headed to her room. They changed into PJ’s, Jade always left a pair over at Mari’s just in case & so did Mari at Jades.

“So when are we doing this thing?” Mari asked as they sat on the bed.

“I don’t know. But I’m guessing soon. I just want to think of something to tell Niall. The perfect time you know?” Jade answered.

“You’re not scared anymore?” Mari asked

“I was never scared, I just thought I wasn't strong enough to handle this relationship.” Jade answered.

“but I love him, Mari. I really do and Love concurs all. Do you think it’s to late?” Jade finished.

“OMG, the box!” Mari screamed hoping off the bed, and running to her closet.

“The box? What box?” Jade asked.

Mari looked through her closet for a while before answering.

“Niall gave me the silver box, but I can’t find it.” Mari answered.

“What?” Jade asked confused.

“I can’t tell you until I find it, you’ll understand everything when you see it” Mari said.

“ok. Just look for it tomorrow, it’s late and we still need to wake up to go to those stupid conferences with the teachers tomorrow.” Jade said.

Mari peaked out of the closet.

“Sure?” she asked.

“Yea. Just don’t forget to look for it tomorrow” Jade said yawning as she got comfortable under the covers.

“Thanks for being such a good friend through this with me, I owe you a lot” Jade said as she closed her eyes.

“You don’t owe me anything; because of you I met Harry.” Mari said turning off the lights and laying on the other side of the bed.

“Love you best friend. Good Night” Jade said

“Good Night” Mari said.

The morning came as the girls were waken up by their phone alarms!

“Ughh” They both groaned at the same time.

“How long did we sleep?” Jade asked Mari.

“Like 3 hours and a couple of minutes” Ugh.

“What time is it like 5:30am?!” Jade asked.

“Ugh. Yes. Stupid conferences are at 6:30. So let’s go up up! So we can be the first and then we can just come home and crash again.”

And the girls did exactly that, while Jade took a fast shower in Mari’s bathroom, Mari took one in the guest’s bathroom. They were out around the same time and Jade just put on some of Mari’s Jeans and a T-shirt. Mari put on something similar and about 40 minutes after they had gotten up they were on their way to school, for the conferences. Luckily they were taken in first and at 7:20am they were crashing back down on Mari's bed and rapidly fell asleep once again. At around 8:40 am Mari’s phone started to ring. She was going to ignore it until she recognized the ringtone.

“Harry!” She said sitting up to reach for her phone. When she realised she had said that pretty loudly she turned to look at Jade who hadn't moved a bit. Thank God she thought as she got off the bed and answered. It was almost almost 1 in the morning in the US.

“OMG, Harry why are you calling so late?” Mari asked.

“I called earlier, but no answer” He said.

“Oh. Sorry, I was still sleeping.” Mari said.

“I just wanted to hear your voice before going to bed” Harry said to Mari.

“That’s like the cutest thing anyone has ever told me!” Mari said.

They continued talking for a while and Mari ended up telling Harry about the night before. When Harry suggested that he could talk to Niall, Mari told him no, that Jade wanted to be the one to tell him everything.

“So does that mean she’s coming with you next week?” Harry asked.

“New York! OMG that’s perfect!” Mari said.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Harry answered laughing.

“Oh yea. Well if she decides to go, I’m pretty sure she will. Babe it’s already one. I’ll just let you go to bed. I’m sorry, I’ve always been quite a talker.” Mari told Harry.

“I like listening to you talk. Don’t worry” Harry said.

“No babe, I bet you have to wake up in a couple of hours! Just go to bed. When you wake up if you have time check my Facebook so you can see the pictures of last night! That place looked so amazing, I’m going to upload the pictures later. Now go to bed Harry Styles! I love you! Good night!” Mari said.

“Ok I’ll look for them later. I love you more! Have a good day babe. Bye” Harry said.

“Bye” Mari said hanging up.

She yawned and stretching a little as she thought twice about going back to bed, but instead she got up and went to start on Breakfast.

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