Chapter 21 "Time later"

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“Should I just leave my nails this color for Nina’s birthday party or paint them another color?” Mari asked Jade.

About a month and a half had passed since the whole airport incident. Things had died down, Jade wasn’t getting any hate anymore, the fans had already moved on to other things. She also hadn’t spoken to Niall since she had walked out on him at the airport. Mari and Harry were still together, and more in love than ever. At first every time Niall would be around when Harry was on the phone with Mari, he would ask about Jade, but now he just ignored that question, “has she mentioned anything about me?” since the answer he always got from Harry was “No, not yet Niall.” The girls had been invited to Nina’s Birthday party, one of the most expected parties of the year and they had been talking about what to wear for a long time, since the party was tomorrow the girls had paid the mall a visit, each looking for a new pair of shoes for their new outfits. They were taking a shopping break at the frozen yogurt shop.

“Hello? Earth to Jade?” Mari exclaimed to Jade who still hadn’t answered.

“Oh, what? Sorry. I was just, never mind… Just leave them that color, it matches your dress.” Jade answered.

“You’ve been spacing out a lot lately, have you been thinking of uh…” Mari said.

“Niall?” Jade answered. She hadn’t even said his name out loud, for the longest time, and boy did it feel good she thought.

“Yeah, him. Have you?” Mari asked.

“I won’t lie to you, yeah I have, it’s just, the more I want him to leave my thoughts, the longer he stays.” Jade said twirling the spoon of her yogurt cup.

“Why don’t you give him a call? It’s been long enough hasn’t it?” Mari said, looking at Jade intrigued to see what answer she would give her.

“I can’t.” Jade said (Mari rolled her eyes)

“Stop. Ok. It’s been a long time, he has a life, a very good one. He’s probably already met someone, someone who treats him right and is…. strong enough.” Jade said, eating a spoonful of Yogurt.

“He doesn’t have anyone like that, but if you don’t hurry he might find someone” Mari said.

“Ugh. Whatever, are we done here? I’m ready, I think I’m just gonna buy those shoes at the first store we visited” Jade said, with a sad expression.

“Yeah, ok. Let’s go.” Mari said, seeing the change of expression on her best friends face. She new everytime she tried pressuring her into talking to Niall hurt her friend even more, but she believed they belonged together, just as Niall had told her.

“Kay. I’m sorry for sounding rude, I just. I don’t want to talk about this anymore, please.” Jade said looking down.

“I understand. I’m sorry too for always bringing it up.” Mari said smiling and pocking her friend.

“It’s ok.” Jade answered smiling.

“I think I want the shoes that I saw from there too, they match my outfit the best. Let’s go bestie. If we hurry we can catch a film before it gets dark outside, deal?” Mari said throwing away her empty frozen yogurt cup.

“Sounds like a date.” Jade says pocking Mari on her way to throw her cup as well.

The girls buy their shoes and as planned head off to go watch a movie. Soon the earlier conversation from before is forgotten and Jade’s her regular self again. The girls  are laughing and having fun on their way back home, chatting about things from school and other things.

“I swear Alec from school has like a major crush on you. He’s always staring at you and asking me things.” Mari said.

“Oh shut up. He does not! It’s Alec, he can’t.” Jade answered.

“Ohh but he can, and he does. Uuuuuuu” Mari said and added

“He asked me if you were going to Nina’s party like 3 times already.” through giggles

“OMG, your lying!” Jade answered laughing.

“He did too! I swear.” Mari said as she stopped at a red light.

Jade just rolled her eyes, smiling and reached for the radio, right as she switched it on… his voice came roaring through the cars speakers.

“…Don’t wanna be without you, My judgment's clouded, Like tonight's sky..” Switch! Mari rapidly shut it off as Jades smile fadded.

“I…I” Mari started to say.

“It’s ok you can turn it on, it’s just. Just don’t listen to me ok. Go for it turn it back on." Jade said

Mari waited a while until, Jade reached over and clicked the radio back on.

“Flashing lights in my mind going back to the time playing games on the street kicking balls at my feet..”

Was Mari really hearing what she thought she was? Jade singing a 1D song, which she hadn’t done in god knows how long.

“There’s a numb in my toes standing close to edge, there’s a pile of my clothes at the end of your bed as I feel myself fall, make a joke of it all….” Jade continued singing with a little spark in her eyes.

Mari just continued driving without saying anything about what had happened and reached their homes.

“See you tomorrow? Getting ready at my house or yours?” Jade asked Mari with a smile.

“Yours if you like, your mirror is bigger, see you tomorrow best friend.” Mari answered smiling back and still surprised with the change of attitude of Jade, was it almost getting to be the right moment? ‘Maybe’ Mari thought but 'just not quite yet.'

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