Chapter 27 "Camille"

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The van had already started moving when Harry leaned towards Niall.

“Hey, Lad we think we know what’s going on..”Harry said to him.

Niall just looked at him with a confused face.

“You think Jade…” Louis was starting to say but after hearing 'Jade' Niall turned around to face them and Liam who was next to him.

“Stop. I don’t know what you guys know, or think you know. Just don’t bring it up again! Please.” Niall said. Then he added “I’m sorry. Just please don’t, at least not now” after he saw the faces the boys put.

“I’m sorry man.” Liam said.

“Yea, so are we.” Zayn added.

Niall gave them a side smile “Just forget about what happened today ok?” Niall said directing his comment towards Harry. “And please don’t speak to anyone about this. No one! Ok?” he added still directing it at Harry.

“I promise” Harry said, knowing what he was saying, he didn’t want him to tell Mari what had happened.

“Promise” all the other boys said in union.

Niall smiled at them thankfully. “So who won the competition?” Niall asked

The boys smiled, Niall was back to his regular self again, at least he was trying. The boy's talked about how the Fifa game had wen’t and before they knew it the driver was parking the van outside the building where the awards were going to be.

“Ready Boys?” Paul said opening the door and getting off.

The boys shook their heads saying yes as they hoped off the van and headed towards the building doors.

“What’s up!” Josh, the boys drummer said as he saw the boys walking in.

“Hey Josh, Where have you been?” Zayn said giving him a side hug.

“Yea man, we had this fifa comp. You missed it” Liam said saying hi to him as well with a side hug.

“Aw really? I got here early. Member I told you guys I was seeing someone?” Josh said to the boys.

“Oh yea! A dancer right?” Harry said.

“Yea, Emily. Well she’s actually going to be one of the 5 girl’s dancing with you guys at the show” Josh said.

“Cool bro. So you came to be with her for a while longer ey?” Louis said.

“Where is she at?” Niall asked.

“She’s over there with the pony tail, standing next to the girl with the long brown curly hair” Josh said

“Ahh I see her" Niall said.

"I’ll introduce you guys later yeah?” Josh said. “I have to finish setting up my drums.” He added.

“Sounds good” Louis said for all the boys.

The boy’s had to first be fitted for their outfits anyways, and that’s what they did as the band set up the instruments. Then it was time for them to practice on stage and as the boys were climbing up  Josh was introducing them to Emily, Niall was the last one up.

“Hey Niall this is Emily” Josh said.

“Oh, hey Emily Nice to meet ya!” Niall said shaking her hand.

“Are you going to be my dancing partner?” he added.

“Nice to meet you too, and ohh no I was given Liam, Camille is actually going to be your partner” Emily said gesturing at the girl with the long and a bit curly hair, girl and then called out her name.

“Camille! Come here” She said and the girl turned around and started walking towards them.

“This is Camille, your partner” Emily said.

“Hey. I’m Niall nice to meet you.” Niall said

“Hi, Yea I know. I’m Camille, Nice to meet you too” She said smiling.

Josh gave Niall a thumbs up, and Niall just rolled his eyes at him. They were called together soon after that, and where being taught the dance steps, well the few ones the boys were actually given, since they weren’t really coordinated. The girls did most of the dancing and that’s exactly what they did for the next 3 days. Practice for the awards and everyday Niall opened up to Camille a bit more. She had asked him out to get a star bucks or a ice cream a couple times but he turned her down until the last day, when she was asking him if he wanted to join them for lunch and he got Jade’s tweet on his phone. “These past days have just beem amazing. Pretty cool how one person can make you feel this way. x” Thinking that tweet was directed at some other person a “him” maybe, he accepted Camille’s offer this time and went to have lunch with her, Emily, and Josh. He actually had a lovely time. The awards were that same night so there was paparazzi everywhere, and of course they caught pictures of Niall opening the door for Camille, and of the four of them having lunch. Josh and Niall took the girls back to their hotel after lunch.

“See you guys later” Niall said as the girls got off.

“Yea” Emily said. “Bye babe” She said to Josh giving him a quick kiss

“Maybe we can do this more often? I had Fun” Camille said to Niall.

He thought about Jade for a sec, If she’s moved on why can’t I? Camille is a lovely girl. He thought.

“Yea, Of course, I had fun as well” Niall said with a smile.

Camille just smiled and waved as their car started driving away.

Jade had been writing a paper since the morning and she had finally finished. She decided to log back into her twitter. She was reading her mentions when she got the curiousity to check the trends. Niall and Camille was trending.

“Camille?” Jade said to herself out loud.

She clicked on it and there they were picture's of Niall and Camille having lunch with Josh and Emily.

Jade started reading through the tweets. She read some that said Camille was a dancer. Other where saying “was Niall falling for a new girl?” Some tweets even had Jade’s name in them how Niall had to be over Jade if he was already seeing Camille.

“No” Jade said as her eyes filled with tears.

She got up, disconnected her laptop and started running. She ran out her backdoor and straight into Mari’s back yard, she nocked twice before opening the door herself, Mari was just coming out her room to open the door when she saw Jade.

“What? What's' wrong” Mari said a bit alarmed.

“He’s moved on” Jade said pushing her computer towards Mari who took it and saw the picture of Niall holding the door for a very pretty girl, with a smile on his face and his arm on her waist leading her into the restaurant.

Jade now had tears streaming down her face.

“I was stupid enough to think he would wait for me, he clearly wasn’t stupid enough though". Jade said to Mari who was speechless going back and forth from the picture to Jade.

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