Chapter 10 "Lunch"

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 “Finally gonna get some food.” Niall says as he steps out of the van. He turns around and holds out his hand for Jade.

 “Thanks” She says taking it as she steps out of the van.

They wait for everyone to get out and then they start walking towards the restaurant. Niall intertwines his hand with Jade's and looks up at her and smiles.

Jade gets little butterflies in her stomach.

Control yourself” Jade keeps repeating in her mind.

 “Ready babe?” Niall asks, knocking Jade out of her concentration.

 “Ready” She says which makes Niall smile brightly.

It takes them about 10 min just to get inside the restaurant because of all the fans they take pictures with and sign things for. During that time Jade let’s go of Niall’s hand and stands off to a corner with their hair stylist Lou, only moving when asked to take a picture for someone. When the crowd has eased off a little, they move into the restaurant. This time Niall walks behind Jade with his hand on the small of her back. They are seated and only first order drinks to wait for Harry and Mari, who arrive about 15 min later. Mari comes in smiling and happily as Harry holds her hand. But when she locks eyes with Jade she gives her the best friend signal that something’s up.

Now that everyone is present they order lunch and as they wait for their food they get into a conversation about the next album they are recording at the moment. Jade takes this time to lean over towards Mari and asks

 “what’s up” she whispers “what was that for” she makes the signal.

 “It’s nothing really bad it’s just..” Mari starts to say and stops.

 “It’s just what?” Jade asks “Just tell me”

 “I was on the computer before Harry picked me up and well you’re all over the place” Mari finishes

 “What do you mean?” Jade asks

 “Like people on twitter are talking about this mystery girl seen with Niall, on Tumblr there’s pictures of you from this morning, I know it’s from today because of what your wearing” Mari says “And well since there’s pictures of you two holding hands, theres some rumors being spread” she finishes.

 “I knew it” Jade says looking down “the cameras are everywhere, I don’t mind you know I guess, it’s just I don’t know if I can take all the negative stuff people might send me” Jade says sadly.

 “Your strong best friend, don’t worry will get through it together” Mari says

 “Is everything ok?” Harry asks right after Mari finishes, and Niall hears.

 “Was something wrong?” Niall asks

 “Oh no, of course not.” Jade answers smiling

 “I was just asking if she would accompany me to the lady’s room before lunch arrived” Mari says standing up.

 “Oh, Oh yeah you guys go ahead.” Harry says, standing up.

“Yeah, yeah” Niall adds standing as well. Which makes all the other boys stand along with Paul,the other managers, and some security guys.

 Jade and Mari turn bright red.

 “Oh, no, no please sit” Mari says.

 “Oh, thanks” Jade says smiling.

They turn around rapidly  and head off to the restroom before they turned more red, if that's even possible.

 They get to the bathroom laughing.

 “OMG, how embarrassing, there so sweet though.” Jade says

“I know, can you believe we are actually here, out for lunch with One Direction, not just that but we were asked to lunch by a specific boy” Mari says.

 “I know, unbelievable, it pays off to dream doesn’t it bestie?” Jade says

 “It sure does” Mari adds

 The girls actually use the rest room and as they are washing their hands Jade asks.

“Do you think girls will hate me? Like what kind of things will they say? That I’m only with him because of money, or that I seek fame, and all other terrible things. I’m really worried; I don’t know how Eleanor or Danielle do it, there so strong. If something does happen between me and Niall and we become more than this, will I be strong enough to handle it?”

“Look you shouldn’t worry about it, just live your life one day at a time. If something does happen between you guys then why should you care what anyone else thinks? That would be between you and Niall, no one else. If they were true fans they wouldn’t hate on the person the boys decide to be with because they make them happy, you know? You are strong best friend, don’t worry, be happy you’re out and about on a lovely day looking flawless while with One Direction.” Mari says.

“No yeah, your right.Thanks! I’m so greatful Harry ask you to join us, what would I have done, I kept thinking about this since the morning after all those camera flashes, which by the way, how was that whole getting picked up by Harry Styles thing?”

 “Amazing, he met my mum and dad, and opened the car door for me, Aghh, he held my hand all the way over here as he drove. He also tried telling some jokes, but they were a total bust again, but he’s so cute for trying. I still can’t believe he asked me to come along. When he texted that he was on his way I jumped up and down fangirling for like 5 min I swear. I let it all out before I was here with everyone else, don’t want another repeat of yesterday, if you know what I mean?” Mari says.

 Jade thinks about the boys saying she’s going to pull a Mari and starts laughing.

“Oh I remember, I’m so happy for you Mari, sounds perfect! Now let’s get back to the table before they start asking where we are” Jade says and Mari shakes her head agreeing.

They get back to the table and a minute later there lunch is brought; they all eat and talk for the rest of their lunch break. Having a wonderful time. When everyone has finished they pay and since they have about an hour left they decide to go on ahead and start heading towards the next town to the interview. Harry asks Mari if she wants to go get an ice-cream cone before he drops her off and she agrees. Everyone walks towards the cars and they say their goodbyes and each head off on their own. The boys van with Jade, head off towards the interview and Harry with Mari towards and ice cream place by the girl’s home.

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