Chapter 39 "B-Four"

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“It’s B4” Jade said again to Niall.

“Oh yeah, yeah” He said taking his eyes off her and punching in the digits on the vending machine.

“B…….. ummm B what?” He said.

Jade giggled.

“Four…B four” Jade said with a smile.

“Oh yeah, B4.” Niall said as the vending machine took the command and dropped the first Tea down.

“We got one!” He exclaimed Happily .

“Yea… Now we need 4 more” Jade said looking into Niall’s eyes.

After about the longest 6 sec’s ever she turned away embarrassed.

“Oh” Niall said turning back rapidly to the machine and pressing B4 again.

“So Jade, How have you been?” Niall asked turning once to look at her.

“I..I’ve been better.” Jade said

“What do you mean?” Niall asked now looking at her?

“I… it’s just… doesn’t matter, How have you been?” Jade asked looking into those gorgeous blue eyes.

“..Well, Now I’m better.” Niall said with a smile which transferred to Jade, only making Niall smile brighter.

The sound of the Tea being dropped down made them loose eye contact.

“Number 3” Niall said Holding out the tea towards Mari who took it and added it to the table where they had put the other two they had gotten.

“Only two to go” Jade said.

It got quite for a while.

Jade started thinking, this is it. This is my chance, I have to tell him.

While Niall was thinking, just do it lad, just tell her you love her and never stopped.

Both got enough courage that at the same time they blurted out at the same.

Jade: Niall, I’m Sorry.

Niall: I need to tell you.

They looked at one another and started laughing.

“You go first” Niall said.

“No, no you can go” Jade answered back as her phone vibrated.

*1 new text message from Camille* her screen read. She pushed open.

“Jade, whatever you do, do not confess everything to Niall just yet! It will ruin the plan. I actually ran into Lou right now, and she’s in. She’s going to text you right now. She’s texting Mari at the moment.”

“Who is it?” Niall asked leaning closer.

“Huh, what? Oh, no one you know.” Jade said putting her phone on her chest so Niall wouldn’t see.

He leaned away and she quickly wrote back “Got it!”. Right when her phone buzzed with a new text from Lou.

“So this person I don’t know, could it possibly be someone you are seeing?” Niall asked

Making Jade look up at him with a confused expression.

“What?!” Jade asked

“Someone you are seeing, your boy friend from back in Ireland. That is the reason you left me at the airport isn’t it? I knew it!” Niall said shouting a bit now.

“Are you being serious right now?” Jade said.

“Are you not going to answer the question? Hmmm, now what does that say about you?” Niall said now more mad than hurt.

“OMG, that’s what you believe? Seriously, Niall?!” Jade said with hurt in her eyes.

“I..” Niall started to say, but nothing came out.

“As a matter of fact, NO that is not the reason why, what happened at the airport happened alright! and NO it wasn’t My Boyfriend who text me! That’s impossible because I don’t have one, the closest to a Boyfriend I’ve ever had was YOU!” Jade said with tears in her eyes.

“” Niall started to say but once again he was left with no words.

“So now you have nothing to say? No, that’s fine because I’m not done talking. I also want you to know that guy you saw a picture of, with me, he’s my friend, a friend, understand? Honestly he’s one of the reasons I even came to New York, the other was you. Now I don’t see why I did. This was a stupid Idea!” Jade said grabbing the 3 teas and starting to walk out.

“Jade, wait!” Niall said putting his hand on her arm.

“I’m sorry! No, No I’m sorry!” Niall said grabbing her in a bear hug, while she held the teas.

“I hate you!” Jade said Leaning her head against his chest.

“I know. I’m sorry. Please forgive me” Niall said holding on to her tightly.

“You were being mean. You didn’t even know. You don’t even know everything that happened.” Jade said.

“I’m terribly sorry Jade, I just thought you had moved on, that you know forgot about me.” Niall said.

“Ugh.” Jade said as she dropped one of the Teas while wrapping her arms around Niall.

The second tea fell and actually hit Niall on the foot.

“Ouchh!” Niall said.

Jade giggled and said into Niall’s chest.

“That’s what you get!”

“Am I forgiven now?” Niall asked looking down at Jade.

“Maybe” Jade said letting go of Niall.

Niall smiled saying

"It seems we have a lot to talk about."

“Yes we do.” Jade said Yawning.

“Are you tired?” Niall said

“Yes, and considering I took a nap this afternoon, I’m beat.” Jade said.

“Hmm well I don’t want you to fall asleep on me, so maybe we can talk about everything tomorrow? I promise Niall the Jerk won’t be there” Niall said pocking Jade.

“That sounds good.” Jade answered smiling.

“Now, let’s get these teas to the owners and you to bed babe” Niall said taking the two other teas that had fallen in the vending machine and one of the ones Jade was holding, and they headed back to the hotel room Niall's hand on Jade's back.

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