Chapter 20 " No answer"

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Jade stared at the phone, until she picked it up.

''Hello'' She said

After a while she looked down.

"What?! What is he saying" Mari said as Jade put down the phone.

"I was too late, he hung up" Jade answered putting the phone back on the table.

"Call him back. Do it" Mari said.

"And say what? No, just leave it. If I didn't catch him then it's just a sign, this is how it's supposed to be'' Jade answered.

''Ugh. You and your beliefs!'' Mari said.

''Oh shut up!'' Jade said smiling.

The girls finish making breakfast and as they are almost done eating, Mari's phones starts to ring. Mari looks at it, and back at Jade. Making a, is it ok to answer face?

''Go! It's gotta be Harry'' Jade said. ''I'll pick up here''

"OMG! Thanks I love you!'' Mari answered her, giving her a hug and running off to get her phone.

''Hello, Harry! I miss you! I know me too!'' Mari said into her phone as she walked out of the kitchen.

Jade smiled at her friend as she got up and started picking up. She put away the left over's, and started washing the dishes. Even after all that Mari was still on the phone, so Jade decided to get on Mari's computer. Without even thinking about it she logged straight onto Tumblr, knowing what she was going to see. There were pictures of the boys arriving in the states and there they were pictures of the boys at the airport still in Ireland, with Mari and Jade. Niall and everybody else looked happy; she was even smiling probably at something one of the boys had said.

'Must be before.' Jade said to herself out loud.

She continued scrolling down, more pictures of the boys, pictures of Niall and her during her full day with them. More pictures of them together with good comments, bad comments, good, good, bad, bad, bad, bad, HORRIBLE! *Bam* Jade shut the laptop. She pulled her hands through her hair and just decided she would go home, nothing left to do here, plus she didn't want to be a Debby downer while her best friend was happily talking to her boyfriend, who so happened to be Niall's Best friend!

''Ughh'' Hade let out.

She couldn't take it she walked to Mari's room knocking once as she peeked in

"Hey'' She said to Mari who looked at her with her phone held up against her right ear

''I better be getting home, ok. Text me later. Tell Harry I said, Hello.'' Jade told her.

Mari looked confused as she said ''Uh ok. You can stay if you want, I'm almost done'' she gestured to her phone.

''No it's fine, It's laundry day today.'' Jade answered picking up her bag from the side of Mari's bed. ''See ya''. She said as she walked out.

''Was that Jade?'' Harry asked.

''Yea, that was her. She came to tell me she was leaving, I feel bad I just left her alone for a long while.'' Mari said.

''I can call back, if you want me too'' Harry said.

''She already left. She said she had to go do laundry, but it's not even laundry day for her. That's on Thursdays. I think she's just down. You know, I already told you everything.'' Mari said.

''Yeah. Niall's the same. He called her actually but she didn't answer'' Harry said.

''She tried, to be honest. When she picked up the phone he had already hung up. I told her to call again, but she didn't want to. I tried telling Niall everything about the threats and those stupid rumors, but he wouldn't listen all he did was tell me about the necklace. I don't know if I'll ever know the right time. But by the way things are going, I don't think it will be anytime soon.''

''Maybe she just needs time to figure things out, find out if she loves him more than friends. But what I really know, Niall hasn't had a girl friend, or shown a girl to the public in a long time, so he probably hasn't thought about all the things girls we date go through. He's so carefree and doesn't listen to or let hate get to him, he probably thinks Jades the same. I don't know babe, hopefully she figures things out soon, and she makes a decision that makes her happy. Wouldn't mind if it made my mate over here, happy too.'' Harry answered.

''Well, you're absolutely right.'' Mari said.

''and Mari, I'm sorry about all the things people might be sending you.'' Harry added.

''Don't worry about me, as long as I know the truth and you do too, I'm happy'' She said.

''That's why I'm with you. I can't wait till we are in New York and I can hold you in my arms again.'' Harry said.

''Me either!'' Mari answered.

''I have to go, gotta go do an interview. I'll call you later, kay. Tell Jade I said Hi for me please.''Harry said.

''I will, she said hello too by the way. Please don't tell Niall what I told you, when it's time, I think she'll want to be the one to do it.'' Mari added

'I won't. Wait Jades there?!' Harry asked.

Niall was just walking into the room, when Harry said that. ''Jades on the phone?'' he said to Harry, who looked back surprised, as did the lads walking in behind him.

''Was that Niall? Omg, oh no she's at her house. Before she left she told me to say hi to you, I had just forgotten.''Mari said.

''Yea, it's him. Oh ok! Well tell her I said Hello. I better go now'' Harry said.

''I will. You tell the guys I said Hi as well. Talk to you later, kay? Bye,'' Mari said. Hanging up the phone.

''Was that Jade?'' Niall asked again.

''No, uh it was just Mari. Jade was there earlier. She said hi to me, Mari was just telling me that right now so I thought she was there.'' Harry said.

''Oh, how is Mari?'' Niall asked.

''She's fine. She said hello to all you guys too.'' Harry said trying to change to subject.

 ''Tell her we said hi back when you talk to her again'' Zayn said smiling at Harry.

''Of course'' Harry said.

The boys got into a conversation about the places they wanted to visit while in the states when Niall turned to Harry and asked,

''Do you know if Jade is doing fine? If she's asked about me?''

''She's doing ok Niall. I honestly don't know if she has, I'll ask Mari next time we talk if you like.'' Harry said

''No, no that's fine.'' Niall answered looking down at his phone again with the screensaver of Jade at the concert in Ireland he had taken and still hadn't changed.

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