Chapter 11 " He kissed me, but they found you"

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Buzz Buzz Buzz

Jade’s Phone rings with a new notification.

They have already been at the venue, where the interview will be held, for around 20 min just having a laugh.

“Was that yours?” Niall asks Jade.

“Yeah, I think it’s from Mari” Jade answers

Jade clicks open and reads her text.

“He kissed me, Best Friend, Harry Edward Styles kissed me!(:” the text said.

“What she say? Anything about Harry?” Niall asks intrigued.

Jade sees all the boys turn to look at her and Niall all intrigued as well.

“Uhh nothing much, just that he dropped her off a couple minutes ago and that she had a lovely time today.” Jade Answers, Winking at Niall.

“Oh, Ohhh” he says picking up on the wink. “Tell her we had a lovely time with her today as well, and that of course Harry had a lovelier time” Niall says winking back at Jade, who smiles.

Jade and Niall separate from the group for a while and walk around the venue just talking hand in hand. They find a place with a little table and chair looking out a window and sit.

He asks questions about her family and she asks about his. They learn each other’s favorite colors, movies, bands, foods, everything during that time and when they return to where everyone else is they  receive a round of applaus and bows at their entrance.

“The lovebirds are back” Louis Explains

“Have a nice time?” Zayn says winking.

“We did thank you” Niall answers laughing.

Then Niall spots Harry walking in the door.

“Hey! Hazz, so how was that ice cream?” Niall says and everyone including Jade start laughing.

Harry’s cheeks start to turn a pinkish color and he can’t help but to show his dimples as he smiles embarrassed.

“Come on guys” He says taking a seat next to Liam, who pats his back.

The boys are called to another room and Jade stays behind.

“Are you sure you don’t want to?” Niall asks

“No, it’s fine plus Lou asked me to watch Lux while she finds something she was looking for, don’t worry I’ll be fine your just on the other side of the wall silly” Jade says poking him.

 He reaches for her hand as she’s about to poke him and he pulls her in. Jade eyes widen

“OMG hes going to kiss me again” she thinks, but he plants a quick but cute kiss on her forehead and smiles “Kay” He says. “See you in a few babe” He adds. Jade smiles and shakes her head.

As Jade is playing with Lux she text’s Mari, and she tells her all the details.

---------------Text Conversation--------------------

Mari’s Text: “After he bought me a vanilla cone, he drove home and we ate the ice cream outside by the tree. Then I think he got a text from Paul and he said he had to leave, but he wished he hadn’t, that he hadn’t had a day like this in a long time. If only he could skip the rest of the interviews and stay here with me he could he said. I almost cried again Best friend”

Jade Text: "OMG, Lucky gal ;) I bet he did want to stay, hello it’s you! Please tell me you didn’t cry. Wait you haven’t mentioned the kiss lady? Come on, come on ;)"

Mari’s text: " I really am lucky, who would have thought! And I owe all this to you, if you wouldn’t have invited them to your place, here I would be a loner at home eating some crisps while watching MTV or something. No I did NOT cry! Not this time. Haha OK. So the kiss! So he stood up and then helped me up he asked if we could hang out soon, maybe if there was time before he had to leave in 2 days we could do at least this ice cream thing again. Of course I told him yes. He smiled at me and he just started moving closer. OMG best friend, he put his hand on the side of my face, his other on my waist and he kiss me. Look it wasn’t a sloppy kind of kiss we didn’t snog or anything, it was just really romantic! After that kiss he walked me to the front door and he gave me another peck on the lips before he turned to his car. As he started to drive off he lowered his window and scream I’ll miss you gorgeous. I felt like I was in a chick flick or something."

Jade’s Text: "Wow! So Harry Styles is a romantic one ain’t he. Aghhhh! I bet you fangirled in your room as you thought of it all. Haha"

Mari’s Text: "Just a little, ok hes a boy from my favorite band, a band that changed my life and he kissed me romantically, who wouldn’t fangirl, Plus he called me gorgeous, If ovaries really could explode at the sight of the boys, imagine what they would do from one of their kisses, I’m surprised my heart didn’t explode OMG!? :0"

Jade’s Text: "True. Haha aren’t you a jokester.  So what are you up to now? I’m still here with Lux."

Mari’s Text:  "Shut up! Haha I’m on the computer. Aww give her a little kiss on the cheek for me."

Jade’s Text: " I will. Is there anything new?"

Mari’s Text: "Well… I won’t lie yes."

Jade’s Text: " What, tell me. Please."

Mari’s Text: "Well there’s more pictures of you and Niall, pictures of us walking to the bathroom. OMG. Pictures of me and Harry….and.. well more."

Jade’s Text: "More bad things?"

Mari’s Text: "Umm Well yeah Jade, they found your twitter already."

Jade’s Text: "OMG they did? What do you think they are saying? OMG Best friend I’m scared. Log in, log into it."

(Mari logs into the twitter)

Mari’s Text:" I did, but do you really want me to tell you what they’re saying? I don’t think I should if you want you can like read them when your back you know? :p"

Jade’s Text: "There really bad aren’t they? Mari just tell me that? I knew it. If only people would know the real me. I’m not anything like they are probably saying."

Mari’s Text: " There’s some really nice ones best friend, but of course with nice ones come not so nice ones. Just leave it ,they don’t know you or anything, let them think what they want as long as you know what’s real and so does Niall. There saying some really horrible things about me but I don’t care let them think what they want."

Jade’s Text: " I know, I know but you know me I’m not that strong like you, I’ve always really cared what people thought of me."

Mari’s Text: "Yes you are, you’re even stronger than me at times. Now stop, and don’t you dare show Niall that you’re feeling like this, you guys are having such a wonderful time don’t let it ruin it! Listen!"

As Jade starts to type her answer the door of the room the boys where in opens and the boys step out. So she quickly reply’s “ Kay, Gotta go, boys are back” and clicks send.

“Are you ok?” Niall asks Smiling .

“Mmhhmm” Jade responds.

Niall takes a seat by her and Lux as he smiles, his gorgeous big smile.

Be strong Jade, be strong” She tell herself.

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