Chapter 23 "She loves him"

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Flash the camera went off again, Mari was going crazy with the picture taking, but at least she stopped asking Jade to be in them, now she was taking them with some of their other friends. Right now it was there friend Wella, who was getting asked to take picture after picture with Mari. Which was good for Jade, who had left Mari and her picture taking to sit at a table with Alec.

“She likes taking pictures doesn’t she?” Alec asked Jade

“How did you know?” Jade answered smiling.

“Umm” Alec said.

Jade laughed “She has like this scrapbook addiction, she's had one for every year since, idk how old, so she needs the pictures” Jade said taking a sip out of the water bottle Alec had brought her.

“Oh” Alec answered

“Yea” Jade said.

It got quite for a while, a very awkward silence. But when they broke that silence they spoke at the same time.

“Jade, I ..” Alec said

“Look, I..” Jade said.

Then they smiled at each other for speaking at the same time.

“Go ahead you go first.” Alec said.

“Umm, no, you go ahead” Jade said Smiling, but deep down knowing a little  what was coming next.

“Oh, ok. I just wanted to tell you that I’ve been wanting to….ummmm” Alec started to say.

Jade started rubbing her hands together as they started to sweat with nerves.

“I wanted to ask you out, like on date or something.” Alec said so rapidly Jade barely understood.


“I understand” Alec said after another long silence as he stood up with a sad expression.

“Wait, Alec. Wait” Jade said standing up as Alec started walking away.

Alec turned around as Jade reached out to him. *Flash! Another picture Mari was really on a role, this time Nina was her victum once again.

“Look, I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just, my life is really complicated right now. If only you knew.” Jade said taking Alec hands in hers as a friendly gesture. *Flash another picture!

“Damn you Mari” Jade said, taking Alec by the hand and leading him to another table far away from those stupid camera flashes.

“I’m sorry Alec. Look you’re a great guy. Couldn’t believe you liked me when Mari was telling me she thought you did.” Jade was saying when Alec interrupted

“Wait you knew?”Alec said, turning a bit pink.

“Well we are girls we know a lot of things.” Jade said smiling.

“Oh” Alec said.

“So, what I’m trying to tell you is, I can’t go out with you. It would be nice but I would feel like I was lying to you because..” Jade said.

“Your still into that one Guy? Niall was it, from that band?” Alec said with a side smile.

“What?” Jade said.

“I understand and I had a feeling you would still have feelings for him.” Alec said this time with a full smile.

“Oh, I..Uhh” Jade said.

“You don’t have to lie. It’s ok. Are you guys still going out or something? I haven’t heard anything about you two in a long time, that’s why I figured you two were not together anymore and I saw it as my chance. But I guess I was wrong.” Alec said.

“We were never….Uhh...No I’m not with him.” Jade said.

“Oh, I see you still love him right?” Alec said.

With those words Jade got Goosebumps from her head to her toes.

“I still love him?” Jade asked confused.

“Well yeah, right? You guys haven’t been together for a while and you still don’t want to date or anything so you still have feelings for him, you still love him. Maybe you should call him or something, try and work things out? I don’t know why I’m telling you this, especially after I asked you out, but I saw those pictures when you guys were ‘together’ and well you looked extremely happy. I really haven’t seen you that happy since, and if he makes you happy and you love each other maybe you guys should go for it, everyone deserves a second chance right” Alec said smiling.

It took Jade a while to take it all in but she thought ‘hes right, omg Alec is right

“I do love him.” Jade said out loud for the first time, and she said it with so much feeling she and Alec new it was true.

“Thank You Alec. You’ve opened up my eyes, my heart. I don’t know how to repay you. I’m over here rejecting you and your still here fixing me up” Jade said with a smile as she went in for a hug.

“Fixing you up?” Alec said.

“Yeah, do you have time for a story?” Jade asked Alec.

“Sure” Alec answered smiling.

Jade told Alec literally everything and boy did it feel good. He gave her some more advice and he ended up telling her a little story of his own. He us to have a crush on Nina for some time, but she never showed interest in him, so he forced himself to try and forget her, and he knew he still had a few feelings for her.

“I got it!” Jade said really excited after he finished his story.

“I’ll help you with Nina! Yea? You know for helping me, for listening to me. It’s not true what they say” Jade said.

“What’s not true?” Alec asked.

“That boys can’t listen, I sat here spilling my guts to you and you stayed and listened! I really appreciate it, I’ve only ever told Mari this, but it felt good letting it out” Jade said.

He laughed “I guess it is true, and thank you for what you’re going to try and do for me” Alec said.

“No problem” Jade said giving him another hug.

“Uuuuu whats going on here?” Mari said winking as she walked up to them.

“No, it’s not what you think, well it was what you thought, then we talked and we fixed everything, and I owe it all to Alec.” Jade said.

“Wait, what are you talking about?” Mari said confused.

“I Love him!” Jade said happily

Mari turned to look at Alec still confused..

“She loves him” Alec said.

“Him?” Mari said thinking.

It got quite for only a moment when..

“OMG, YOU LOVE HIM!!!” Mari said, now knowing exactly who they were talking about.

Jade just shook her head saying Yes, as a happy tear rolled down her face.

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