Chapter 54 (Balcony)

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“Are you guys ready? Two minutes till sound check.” Paul was telling the guys.

“Ok.” The boys said in union.

“Oh no. Not again where’s Niall!” Paul added frantically looking around.

“Right here.” A voice said from behind Paul and all the boys looked towards the back door.

“Sorry I was late Paul. I was caught up on something.” Niall said.

“As long as you’re here now. Ok boy’s that your signal, have fun out there and remember not too much flirting.” Paul said with a smile.

And the boys started laughing.

As they all walked out Niall caught up to Liam and as he put his hand on his shoulder and  whispered.

“Thanks Man.”

“No problem. I was only the delivery man.”Liam said with a smile.

And out walked the boys to the stage and the screaming fans awaiting their arrival to sound check.




“Guys Lou just texted and said they boys are out on the stage now and Paul said we can go have a peek.” Mari said to the girls who were all now having lunch in the hotel’s restaurant.

“Let’s do it?” Camille said.

“They won’t see us right?” Jade asked.

“No Paul won’t let that happen.” El said.

“Paul’s in it too.” Mari said.

“He is?” Jade asked.

“Yeah, I think the boys were telling him this morning.” Camille said.

“The theater is like a block away we can catch half of the sound check show if we go now.” Mari said.

“Let’s do it well.” Jade said standing up.

“Let’s” The girls all said in union.




A couple minutes later the girls were walking in through the back entrance of the theater and being taken to the balcony where the boys wouldn’t be able to see them.

“Hey guys.” Lou said as the girl walked out.

“Hello ladies.” Paul said as well.

The girls said there hello’s and sat watching the boys do their thing.




“If you guys could choose one show to do all over again, which would it be and why?” Asked a fan.

“Good Question babe.” Louis said.

“I would have to say the Olympics; because it was the biggest show we’ve ever played.” Liam answered

“I would have to agree.” Louis said.

“Yea! Yeah.” Zayn said “Also our first ever X-factor performance, because that’s how it all started.” He added.

“Yeah. Those two would be the ones I would like to re-live again.” Harry said.

It got quite and everyone was waiting for Niall to answer until finally,

“Niall?” Liam asked.

“I would really like to relive those days as well, but I would also like to relive the concert we had in Ireland a while ago. Why? Because it was one of the best days of my life. I met a person there that changed me. She was like the missing piece to my puzzle I didn’t even know I was missing…..”

Jade stood up and walked towards the balcony. All the girl’s attention went back and forth from Jade to Niall. Mari took Lou and El by the hand as Niall continued.

“I know you guys don’t want to hear this stuff and I’m sorry but it’s true. Although right now I’m still missing the that piece I know where it’s at, It's just I haven’t been able to add it to my puzzle if that makes sence. ” Niall finished.

At one point Harry noticed something up towards the balcony and see's Jade standing there.

“Jade?” A fan from the crowd said. Niall’s eyes widen. And Harry panickes for a bit thinking the girls have seen her too. False alarm though, thank god he thinks.

“ Umm, Since I’m being honest with you already yeah Jade.” He answered.

You hear the fans “awww” in union.

Niall smiles.

“Hi, My name is Hannah and this is my friend Paulina..” A fan started to say.

“OMG that's the girls” Mari said. “They made it to the sound check!” she added.

“The girls you guys gave the VIP tickets too?” El said.

“Yes! There so cool. Oh shit but they know about Niall and Jade.” Mari said and now she stood up next to Jade.

“Hi Hannah and Paulina.” Harry said.

“ Is that?” Jade said to Mari.

“Yea the girls from the other night.” Mari answered.

“What are they going to say?” Jade asked.

“Well where gonna find out.” Mari said.

“Jades a lovely girl Niall. We actually met her the other day.” Hannah was saying.

“You met Jade?” Niall asked confused.

“Yes outside the theater here before your last concert.” Hannah said.

“Oh. I know... your them.” Harry said.

Mari put her hand on her forehead “Oh no Babe.” She added.

“Them?” Niall asked Harry.

“All the girls met them, Uhh..” Harry started to say and then looked up to the balcony and saw Mari there now who waved her hands saying No!

Niall followed his gaze and that’s when the girls jumped down to the floor and pushed Paul forward. Making Niall only think Paul was up there.

“Anyways yeah. Nice to meet you girls what was your question.” Liam interrupts.

“Just wanted to say to Niall that sometimes all you can do is wait and what you’ve been waiting for  will come to you just like the quote says “If you love something let it go and if it loves you it will come back if it doesn’t it never was yours to begin with.” Hannah said then Paulina added.

“I think she’s already on her way, so no need to worry. Thank You.” Then she handed the microphone to the theater director.

“Thanks. Really means a lot girls.” Niall said looking back up to the balcony and now Lou stood next to Paul with Lux in her hands and waved back.

The questions finally went back to regular fangirl questions after a while and the boys finished the sound check after some more time as well.

As the boys walked off the stage Niall turned to look at Harry and asked “what was all that about?”

“Umm, i…..” Harry started to say.

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