Chapter 44 (Hannah & Paulina)

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''You are them! Are you guys really best friends?” The first girl said.

Jade looked around nervously, as people were starting to stare.

“Uhh, do you guys think we can talk to you guys over there?” Jade said gesturing to the end of the line.

“Yea, sure” The girls said

Once everyone reached the end of the line were people weren’t staring anymore, Mari started to talk. She first asked the girls if they had tickets. Which they did and they were in the back, but they were still happy they were gonna be in the same room as the boys. After the two girls fangirled some more Mari finally answered them and said yes, she was Harry’s girl friend and Yes this was Jade but she wasn’t anything to Niall, not just yet, and they needed there help to make that happen. Both the girl’s mouth hung wide open after Mari finished her explanation.

“You..uuu, want to give us VIP tickets?” the girls asked with a stutter.

“Yes. Please.” Jade said

“I..I.. OMG, this can’t be happening right now.” The other girl said both hands on the side of her mouth.

“Look…. Ummm, Oh dear, I haven’t asked for your names or we haven’t properly introduced our selfs. I’m sorry. I’m Jade and this is Maritza, Mari for short. Well you already knew that.” Jade said shaking both the girls hands.

“I.. I’m Hannah, and this is Paulina. Is this really happening? Are you guys willing to exchange tickets with us? You guys have VIP.” Hannah explained.

“Isn’t that like 5th row? Or something.” Paulina asked still shocked.

“It’s actually in the second row.” Mari said.

The girls squeeled.

“So can I take that as a Yes?” Jade said with a smile.

“OMG, OF COURSE!” Hannah practically yelled.

“Your actually going to be by me. We can go in together. Jade and Lou will be taking your seats.” Mari said

“Lou? As in Lou Tisdale? OMG, this is the best day of my life.” Paulina said shaking Hannah happily.

“But please don’t mention this to anyone just yet, see we are trying to…” Mari started and right before they got to the entrance again Mari had told the two lucky girls everything, when I say everything, I really mean EVERYTHING. From the concert in ireland, the hate, the misunderstandings, everything.

“Of course we’ll keep your secret! I loved how Niall seemed when he was with you Jade! I was team Nade or Jiall. Don’t know what you prefer.” Hannah said with a truthful smile.

“That really means a lot and I believe you. To be truly honest with you I really like you! I don’t know it’s something about you guys, you remind me of me and Mari.” Jade said.

“You really do.” Mari announced.

“Tickets please” The people at the front door asked.

Jade handed her VIP tickets to Hannah as Hannah handed her theirs. Jade moved out of line as Mari, Hannah and Paulina started to move in, but then rapidly hugged Hannah and Paulina whispering " Thanks, I'll keep in contact. Promise!" and adding another bear hug.

Jade watched the girls walk in to the concert halls, Paulina and Hannah looked like the happiest girls in the world right now, and Jade knew what that felt like, thanks to Niall.

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