Chapter 22 "Picture Time"

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The next morning went by in a blur and next thing the girls new there were only a few hours left till Nina’s party, just enough time to get ready. Mari was just walking into Jades room when she heard some music that sounded really familiar.

“I know your heart's been broken but don’t you give up I’ll be there, yeah I know it to fix you with love” Is that her 1D CD playing? Mari thought as Jade came out of the bathroom singing.

“It hurts me to think that you’ve ever cried” which happened to be Niall’s part.

“And what do we have here?” Mari said to Jade, who turned to look at her with a super red face.

“What? Just because that happened between us doesn’t mean I have to stop listening to their music.” Jade exclaimed.

“Ok, ok.” Mari said with a smirk on her face.

Mari was glad she could once again listen to them while Jade was around, she like thinking Harry was singing to her anyways. The girls got ready and as Mari walked into the restroom and Jade was putting on her shoes Mari’s phone started ringing.

“Oh Man, Jade please answer it. Please.” Mari called from the bathroom.

“Uhh” Jade said hesitating.

She walked over to the phone and of course it said Harry. She hesitated one last time before picking it up.

“Hello?” She said into the phone.

“Hey, wait is this.. Jade?” Harry said on the other line.

“Um, yeah. Hi” Jade answered.

“How have you been? Haven’t heard from you in a long time.” Harry said.

“Oh, I’m fine thanks, hope everything is swell with you too. I’m sorry I answered Mari made me, but she’s available now, so I’ll hand her over..” Jade said a little too rapidly.

“Ok. It was really nice talking to you Jade. You know Ni…” Harry started to say, but Jade knew where this was going, and she rapidly handed over the phone to Mari as she walked out of the Restroom.

“Who was it?” She asked.

“It’s Harry” Jade said. Pushing the phone against Mari not wanting to hold it anymore.

Jade left the room after that saying she was going for a coke.

She left Mari there so she could talk to Harry. A while past and after they had dicussed Harry and Jades conversation, they moved on to a different subject.

“I’m wearing a turquoise dress that has silver on it, and some silver pumps. I’ll send you a pick later if you want? I’ll take some at the party too. I really wish you were here with me!” Mari told Harry.

“I know me too. I’ll look forward to that picture.” Harry said to Mari.

“You should see Jade babe, she looks absolutely beautiful, and she has this like skin color dress with gold sparkling things everywhere if only I could show or if Niall could see her. She looks amazing. She’s I think finally getting better, she’s been playing your guys’ music again. Maybe that’s a sign?” Mari said.

“Niall seems fine now, but I bet it still hurts him. I don’t think he should have to wait for her forever, you know? But that’s just my opinion.” Harry said.

“I understand I actually told her that.” Mari said.

“and what she say?” Harry added.

“She got kind of upset at me.” Mari said.

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