Chapter 46 (Letter's)

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“I’m all out faith this is how I feel, I’m cold and I shamed lying naked on the floor..”The radio sitting next to Jade was now playing.

“Oh, I love this song.” Someone said from behind her.

Jades muscles tensed up, she thought she would be alone up here on the hotels roof but clearly she was wrong. But she knew that voice.

“Liam?” Jade said before fully turning to face him.

“Brrrr, it’s pretty cold up here.” Liam said rubbing his arms for warmth.

The concert had ended about an hour ago and Jade had been sitting up here listening to the radio and enjoying the view for more than an hour. She was also writing Niall a very personal letter explaining everything, how she felt, what she went through, but now her thoughts were interrupted by Liam who stood there not saying anything staring at the view as well, except he had a sad look to him, not the regular happy Liam everyone was us to.

“Liam?” Jade said

“Oh, I’m sorry, did you wish to be alone? I can leave.” Liam said looking down at Jade and back out to the city’s view.

“I think some company wouldn’t do me any harm.” Jade said smiling.

“Want to share my blanket?” she added looking at Liam rub his arms again.

“That’ll be nice.” He said sitting down next to Jade who moved over making him some room.

“Isn’t it lovely out here?” Jade said looking back out at the view.

“Yeah, I can see why you’re out here now.” Liam said.

“Liam can I ask you something?” Jade said.

“Of course.” Liam said with a sad smile looking at Jade.

“Is something wrong? See the only reason I came up here was because well I got some problems of my own, and I needed sometime alone to think and this was the place for me so I’m thinking maybe..” Jade was saying when Liam interrupted her blurting out

“Me and Danielle are…no longer seeing each other.”

Liam looked down at his hands that now rested on top of his folded legs.

“I’m sorry. I, I really don’t know what to say.” Jade said surprised.

“Your turn.” Liam announced looking up at Jade.

“Me, Umm well, you already know. The whole me and Niall thing. I just want to tell him everything already. I feel like a big weights pushing me down, you know?” Jade said

“ I understand completely. So you don’t want to know why it happened? Me and Danielle? Everyone is going to be dying to know.” Liam said

“Well, I think if you want to tell me exactly why than I’ll be here to listen, and if you’re not ready than don't feel pressured to tell me or anyone else. You let people know when you are ready.” Jade said putting her hand on Liam’s.

“Thanks Jade. How do you handle it? The whole not being able to be with the person you love.” Liam said.

“I, don’t know how, I just know I can, because I love him, you know?” Jade said then added “If that made sense”

“No, yea it did. You’re pretty strong for that. Harry updated me on everything, and are you ok with the whole not being able to see Niall till the last concert here in New York, this weekend?” Liam asked.

“Thank You. Honestly I’m not ok. I just don’t want to wait any longer, I don’t want Niall to continue thinking I’m just blowing him off. Has he mentioned anything?” Jade asked.

“Yes, he’s sorta upset he hasn’t been able to see you all day. He thinks if he doesn’t get a chance to set things right, you two will never be together.” Liam said.

“See!” Jade said. “I love the girls for making this plan for me but I’ve been thinking, hence why i’m out here in the cold, and I think I’m going to do it tomorrow. I need to tell Niall how I feel about him.  We need to clear things up. I love him Liam, I’ve never felt this way about someone and I believe Niall's the one.” Jade finished.

“Well I think you should go for it.” Liam answers smiling.

“Thanks so much, I did need alone time but talking with someone always makes it better as well.” Jade said.

“It really does. Thanks as well.” Liam said. Jade smiled and turned back to the pad of paper on her lap and remember what she was going to write next, than turned back to Liam.

“Hey Liam” She said.


Maybe, you should write her a letter too. Tell her anything you need to say, let it out. Tell her you’re sorry, tell her how you feel, tell her anything and everything. Don’t hold it in it hurts more.” Jade said handing Liam some paper and a pen.

Liam took the paper looked at it then at Jade.

“Thanks, I will” Liam said to Jade as he immediately started to write.

They stayed out there for a while longer and then when both of their letter’s were done they folded the blanket and headed back down to their rooms, ready for bed.

 Into the elevator they went and each punched in their floor, Jades floor was first and the elevator stopped as the doors opened.

“You take care now Jade, and thanks for tonight. I’ll see tomorrow, good night.” Liam said hugging Jade.

“Same here. Good Night.” Jade said stepping into her hallway as the doors closed behind her.

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