Chapter 2 "Center Stage"

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"Me!?" Jade says. Looking at Mari with both Excitement and horror.

Everyone now has their eyes on her, the security guy lets go of the other girl and takes Jade's hand. "Omg!Omg! This is really happening" Is what Jade keeps screaming in her own head. "If this is a dream Don't wake up Jade, Don't wake up!"

As the security guard, still a hold of Jades hand, passes all the fans on their way to the stage, she hears a lot of sighs, shrieks, good and bad commenting about how lucky she is and she starts to feel a little shaky. She could burst into tears at any moment from all the chaos and of course from the pure fact she is going to be on stage with the 5 guys she's loved deeply since July of 2010. Louis, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Niall!

As she reaches the stairs to the stage the security guard lets go "Good luck darling" he says as Niall reaches for Jades hand with a huge smile across his face. Jade is overwhelmed and can't help but smile back, which makes some of those tears that have been building up, escape. She swiftly brushes away some but others are still falling. Niall reaches up and wipes the last tears away smiling.

"Hi babe, please don't cry" he says hugging her. Jade takes in his hug and amazingly wonderful scent as her insides start to twist and turn with happiness.

"Holy Poo balls, It's not a dream." She tells her self.

"Can I get your name beautiful?" He says (Into the microphone so everyone here's)

"I...I'm Jade" She answers.

"Her names Jade everyone!" Louis tells the crowd! Screaming & applause overcome the concert walls.

"Lovely name Jade, would you like to be my, OUR , One Thing Girl?" Niall Responds.

Was that a blush Jade thinks she see's?

Disbelief starts to overcome Jade for a split second but she regains herself and shakes her head answering his question with a yes.

For the first timesince she reached the stage she loses eye contact with Niall as she looks ahead at the boys and the huge Arena filled with fans from top to bottom! It goes crazy again with screams and applause at the sight of Jade looking out into the crowd on the big screens. The same crowd where she stood not too long ago. She briefly scans the the row of people, exactly were she thought she would be she finds Mari screaming her guts out, with teary eyes. "It is real" she tells herself again as Niall, who still has her by the hand, starts to lead her towards center stage. He sits her down on a chair, that had  recentlybeen placed there by Louis and all the boys give her a quick smile as the song begins.

The boys take turns singing to Jade, but Niall never loses eye contact with her and when his solo comes up he goes on his knees (causing fans to go crazy in excitement ) and sings to Jade while holding her hand.

"Now I'm climbing the walls 

But you don't notice at all 

That I'm going out of my mind 

All day and all night" 

"Contain your self Jade, Contain your self " is what shes saying in her head as Niall stands up to give her a little kiss on the forehead and moves away so Louis can sing to her.

When the song comes to an end all the boys move closer to Jade taking turns giving her hugs.

"Give it up for Jade our One Thing Girl" Harry says into the microphone (an eruption of applause once again over comes the theater.) Jade swears she feels the stage shake.

Zayn follows Harry by saying "Thank You babe for not fainting." and the crowd burst into laughter. As they remember the incident that happened a couple weeks earlier as the boys visited Rhode Island.

Louis and Liam give her thanks as well as they give her hugs. Jade, now with a little more confidence, smiles and waves a little as she starts to walk off stage, when Niall catches up to her and say's "Wait, Jade. Can I talk to you for a min?" Jade stops and turns to him, smiling at the sound of her name coming from Niall Horan himself once again. "Yea" She answers smiling. "Come with me" he says and he pulls her back stage, leaving behind most of the noise of the crowd.

"Look, I would really like to hang out later; maybe we can see each other after the concert? I can text you  where they move me and the boys and we can meet? I mean only if you would like. " He looks down shyly. "I don't know how to explain this feeli..." he continues but Jade cuts him off saying "Really? Of course I would love to; you know if you're being honest with me"...

"Of course Jade. I promise you!... So would you?" he says.

She never once imagined, not even knowing she was going to be at this concert, that Niall Horan would ask her to come on stage so all the boys could sing to her. Let alone that Niall James Horan wanted to spend time with her and had promised her it was real. Jade's stomach does a 360 degree flip at the thought of it all and all that's left to do now is answer his last question, so she does.

"Yes! Ok" she says shyly.

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