Chapter 32 "Elevator Doors"

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Jade started walking to her room when she noticed at the far end of the hall stood the boy she loved. The boy she had came all the way from Ireland to see, about to kiss another girl. She froze at her door.

*Ding* the elevator doors opened up again.

“Jade?!” Josh said.  “Jade! You came!” he added.

Niall's lips were almost brushing against Camille’s when he heard Josh. He stopped abruptly and turned to look in Jade’s direction. They locked eyes before Jade turned to look at Josh, and then back at Niall, Camille was now looking at her with a confused look as well.

“Jade?” Josh said before he looked ahead and saw the position Niall was in. “Oh.” Is all Josh could say.

“Um, Yea I came.” Jade said rapidly. “Will you excuse me I need to get something” Jade said at the same time that Josh said.

“This is Emily, my girlfriend.” then added “Oh, yea, no that’s fine” 

“Oh, hi nice to meet you Emily, I’m Jade, I’m really sorry I have to go. Catch up later kay?” Jade said shacking Emily’s hand as she opened her room door and went in without looking at Niall.

“Yea, ok.” Josh said smiling.

“Um, Niall. Are you ok?” Camille said sounding a little worried. He didn’t answer her.

“Niall? You know her?” Camille asked again.

“Huh? What? Yeah.” Niall said turning to look at her. “That’s Jade.” He added.

“Jade? Thee Jade?” Camille answered remembering pictures of Niall from a while ago with Jade.

“Thee Jade?” Niall said confused.

“She’s the girl from Ireland that you were with isn’t she?” Camille asked

“Yes. But how did you know?” Niall asked, taking a small glance over to where Jade had entered a room and now Josh was walking towards them.

“She was all everyone would talk about. Niall Horan finally had a girlfriend and was showing her off to the world.” Camille said. “Poor girl got so much hate, I don’t know why. Then after you left from Ireland she wasn’t herd of anymore and well there weren’t pictures of you two, or anything.” Camille said.

“Hate?” Niall said.

“Hey guys.” Emily interupted.

“Uh, hi” Niall said.

Josh was pretty quite since he knew exactly what had just happened.

“Hey” is all Josh could come up with.

Niall just looked into his eyes with a sad look, and Josh looked away quietly.

Jade got inside her hotel room and started having a little panic attack. To her luck Mari wasn’t there probably out with Harry somewhere.

Jade leaned herself against the sink in the bathroom as she turned the knob and water came running out. She plashed her face a couple times.

“He, he was going to kiss her.” Jade said looking at herself in the mirror.

What should she do?  She couldn’t stay in this room. He was just a couple feet away with that girl. That really pretty girl, it wasn’t her fault.

“Ughhh!” Jade said out loud shutting off the water. Then she hurried off to find her purse and swung it on before walking out the door, she looked at herself in the mirror saw the necklace around her neck and pulled it off, throwing it to the floor. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

“We’ll see you guys later. Ok? Gonna go watch a movie in Josh’s room, you can join if you want” Emily was saying

“Oh no thanks, I need to go” Niall answered as Camille looked at him.

“Thanks though” Camille said smiling at both Emily and Josh.

“Bye” Josh said as him and Emily started walking away. Josh turned once to look at Niall.

“Camille I have to go. Ok? I‘m really sorry I promise I’ll explain everything later, please don’t hate me” Niall said holding Camille’s hands in his.

Jade stepped out of her room at that moment and Niall saw.

“Jade?” He called out.

Jades whole body trembled at the sound of her name coming from him.

Stay strong, stay strong, keep moving, keep moving” Jade kept repeating to herself.

Jade punched the elevator button and the door opened.

Oh thank god.” Jade breathed out stepping into the elevator and pressing Lou’s floor number.

Niall turned back to look at Camille.

“Don’t worry. Just go.” Camille said with a hurt smile.

Niall hugged her quickly and gave her a kiss on her cheek before turning and running towards the elevator doors. As he was about to reach them…

The doors started to close, but before his eyes locked on Jades and he saw the hurt.

“Jade” Niall said leaning against the doors.

*Ding* The Door’s shut completely.

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