Chapter 41 (Adee, Adeee!!..Jade?)

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“Jade wake up!!” Mari yelled as she pocked Jade, who jerked awake.

“What! What!” Jade said rubbing her eyes.

“You keep dosing off” Camille said.

“Ughh, I’m just so tired. Look at Lux I’m so jealous right now” Jade said looking at baby Lux who was on the other bed, dreaming away. Everyone turned to look at Lux and smiled.

“We are almost done, don’t worry Jade.” Emily said.

“I’m the one who needs to be up early tomorrow, well this morning” Lou said looking at the Clock.

“Ok. Well we pretty much have everything down.” Mari said.

“Yea. I think we are done for the night. We all know what we need to do. Jade you have to do it.” Camille said.

“Yes, Jade this plan all depends on how well you go through with your part.” Lou said.

“ I know, I know. But he said he was going to come by tomorrow, and I was looking forward to it.” Jade said.

“Well, we’ll just have to keep you hidden.” Emily said.

“ Ok. You guys know how much this all means to me, you guys are like the best friends a girl could ask for.” Jade said.

“Oh we know” Mari said nudging the other girls.

They all giggled.

“And Camille I’m really more thankful towards you, because well you know why.” Jade said looking down.

“Don’t worry Jade. He wasn’t the person for me, his heart belonged to someone else and he holds her heart as well. Plus….” Camille started to say with a smile.

“Sandy, has been really nice to her.” Emily said pocking Camille.

“Sandy, Sandy from the band?” Lou said smiling.

Camille smiled brightly.

“OMG!” Jade & Mari said giggling.

“He is just wonderful, he gives me those butterfly’s in my stomach that, honestly, Niall never gave me.” Camille said smiling, obviously thinking about sandy.

“He makes your hear ‘Skip skip a beat’ eyy?” Mari said singing Olly’s song, Making all the girls laugh.

After another while of all them talking they all settled into the two beds, thankfully they where huge. Mari, Jade and Lou in one, Lux in her little portable crib next to Lou and Camille and Emily on the other one.




Knock! knock! Knock!

Mari and Emily Grumbled.

“Ugh” Camille said.

“Who is it?” Lou asked.

“Up, Up” Lux said.

“I’ll get it, I guess” Jade said rubbing her eyes and walking to the door.

Knock, Knock, Knock!!!

“Coming” Jade said reaching the door.

“It’s Niall” Niall said on the other side of the door.

At that moment all the girls jostled awake and sat up on the bed.

“No, No!! Move!” Mari said to Jade who froze with her hand on the door.

“Camille got up and ran towards Jade and so did Emily.

Knock, Knock!!

“Hello?” Niall said.

Jade pushed Mari.

“Coming, Niall Just looking for my robe.” Mari said.

“Oh” Niall said at the other side of the door.

“Ok, Ok. You guys hide in the bath room” Mari whispered to Jade Emily & Camille.

“and?” Jade asked.

“We’ll bring Niall into the room and you guys run out to Camille’s room. Yeah?” Lou said.

“Ok. We can do that.” Emily said.

Camille grabbed her key and they went into the bathroom.

Lou went to sit by Lux and Mari opened the door.

“Hey Niall sorry about that.” Mari said.

“It’s alright. How are you this morning?” He asked.

“I’m fine thank you and you?” Mari asked eyeing the bathroom door.

“Actually really good. Is Jade inside?” Niall said looking past Mari.

“Uhh,” Mari said when Lou shouted out.

“Niall?! Hey come in! Lux wants to see you! Come in!” Lou said

“Lou?” Niall said walking in as Mari moved to the side letting him in.

“Yea it’s me.” Lou said smiling.

“Ni, Ni” Lux said seeing Niall.

“ Hey gorgeous.” Niall said to Lux who asked for him to pick her up.

He did and as he held her, the girls started to move out the bathroom when..

“Ade, ade!” Lux said seeing Jade walk out.

Jade's eyes grew wide and she bulted out the door, before Niall had a chance to turn and look.

“Ade, ade.” Lux said again pointing to the door.

“Jade?” Niall said to Lux who smiled brightly and he started walking towards the door.




“Open it Open!” Emily said to Camille desperatly

“It’s not working" Camille answered nervously.

“She saw me, hes gonna come out, I left the door open!” Jade said

“Hey Jaa” Harry started to say as he approached Mari’s room.

But the girls were waving and saying no and he had no time to say Jade's full name.

The door finally opened and Camille and Emily ran in Jade put her finger to her mouth telling Harry not to say anything and ran in the room as Niall stepped out the door.

“Harry?” He said.

“Yea mate, It’s me” He said eyeing Camille’s door.

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