Taking her shoulder Logan smiled. "Don't think like that. I'm pretty sure he's just doing what he's been programmed to do."

"I don't think he's just a program though..." Aurora whispered. "I think deep down...he's alive."

Logan's eyebrows rose at that theory.

Silence blew between the two. They stood there, looking down into the still water that reflected the glorious moonlight. Aurora couldn't help but think back to how different she was before meeting Jungkook. She didn't mind being lonely since that's how she's been all her life. But now that Jungkook is faintly disappearing from the scene, loneliness was starting to hit her hard.

"So, you think he's alive, huh..." Leaning on the gate, Logan smiled faintly.

"...forget that I said that." Aurora held her forehead. "I'm speaking idiotic things."

"Nah, I don't think it's stupid or idiotic." Logan caught Aurora's eyes. "It's actually pretty interesting."

Aurora blushed. "...yeah."

Peering around the corner, Aisha noticed Jungkook walking in her direction gloomily. It was the first time she'd ever seen Jungkook look troubled. Jungkook himself didn't even know that he could feel this way. This was the first time that he had ever felt anxiety. He couldn't decipher how to deal with how the boss spoke to him. Mr. Dechart's sudden change in attitude and tone shook Jungkook, causing his circuitry to overheat. Exhaling, Jungkook turned the corner, being met by Aisha.

Aisha stared up at Jungkook and blinked. "J-Jungkook!" She squeaked.

"Oh, hi." He mumbled, walking around her.

Aisha watched him go on his way, but she knew something was wrong. Despite her inner emotions nagging her to approach him, Aisha was still fearful of talking to him, one on one. Jungkook seemed as though he didn't want to get close to anyone, especially with the likes of her. Shaking her head, she forced her feet to move in his direction.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" She asked him.

Jungkook stopped to look back at her. "Why do you ask?"

Befuddled by that reply, Aisha fumbled in her words. "You—I—It's just—" Catching her breath, Aisha closed her eyes and sighed. "I...was coming down the hallway, when I saw that you came out of Mr. Dechart's office...and you looked...pale, and sad...and also distraught. I was really concerned, and I just wanted to see if there was anything, I can do to make you feel better..." She whispered.

"Why does Mr. Dechart have two personalities?" Jungkook asked.

Aisha was stunned by that question. "...two personalities?" Lowering her head, a memory flooded her mind. "...oh." She looked up at him. "It's nothing personal towards you," Aisha explained with a shy smile glued to her lips. "You probably said something that reminded him of...someone."

"Someone?" Jungkook repeats. "Like who?"

"You don't know him," Aisha said. "But he comes here a bit often to help his father...well, Mr. Dechart."

"Oh," Lowering his head, Jungkook shrugged. "Well, Mr. Dechart is threatening me to do as he says. I don't know what will happen to me if I don't, but I can't afford to lose this job. I'm taking care of someone at home, and they need me."

Aisha was touched by Jungkook's admirable loyalty. It made her even more curious about who he was. "Who do you take care of, if you don't mind me asking?"

"A little girl." Jungkook replied. "I'm...gonna go now." As he walked off, Aisha grabbed his hand.

"That is...so loving and generous of you!" Aisha cried. "Please, is there anything I can do to maybe help you out, or anything?"

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