Q&A Answers

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What's it like to watch your kids grow up?

"It was a beautiful but also sad thing. I sometimes just want to shrink them back to being babies."

How did you manage raising five kids?

"I have no idea. It's a miracle that they all are still alive."

Did it hurt giving birth 5 times?

"YES. Don't get me started on that topic. It hurt like a little, I shouldn't curse. But I think you get what I mean."

And would u like to have more?

"The 5 I have are enough. Beside I don't think I can handle anymore children at my age now."

Take care of joon don't let him hurt himself and don't worry about going into little space my girlfriend does that and I'm always with her PS I'm a girl I'm bisexual

"You say it like I didn't do that before. And thanks for the advice but I won't be going into little space anytime soon. I don't need it anymore. Also I hope you two stay together. You seem like a cute couple."


Did you ever make a song called 'expensive girl?

"No, it was covor. Also we don't talk about it. It's in the past."

Did you almost drop one of your kids when they were babies?

"Sadly, yes. But thank god they didn't hit the ground."

is expensive girl based on jin?

"That's is in the past. we don't talk about that any more." Expesive girl starts playing in the background. "Fucking hell?" "Joon language!" Jin yells. "Sexual intercourse underworld."

The loud sound of Jin face palming in the back ground can be heard along with jumbled up whispers sounding like. "I married a child."

Would u eat a thousand tacos or a thousand cheese burgers?

"Cheese burgers for sure."

Make a song just for Jin and take good care of him

"I do that every album that comes out. He doesn't know about it yet. I'm planing to give it to him as a full album on our next aniverasry. I hope he likes it."


Do you and Ethan plan on having more kids in the future?

"I want to but I have to talk to Ethan about it. Every time I want to I get too anxtious."

What's it like to be famous?

"It's okay till you nearly get run over by fans."

Do you still be a little?

"sometimes, i normally only slip when I can't take my anxiety anymore. But I don't want to bother Ethan when he's busy with Yumi." "What have I said your not a bother!" Ethan yells from behind him before running to back hug him. "Your absolutely precious." He softly whispers in Yoongi's ear.

R u a moody child?

"When I don't get engouh sleep. Yes. I guess Yumi got that from me."

You should make a sing with your brothers and appa and eomma

"We already did. We have an album, that his never going to come out, full of covers and self made songs. My favorite are the Chypers. I'm also pretty sure that it's Taehyung's ringtone. That's also probably why he doesn't pick up when we call."

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