Sexy time

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Kinky shit you can skip if you like. The next chapter will be the fluff part.

"Joon. I'm back!" Jin yells getting an silent house in response. It has been such a long time since their wasn't a child running around the house.

"I'm here." Namjoon said kissing him. "Do you know what I just noticed? We're alone." Jin said before latching onto Namjoons mouth again. Their kiss quickly got heated making Namjoon break it off. Jin whimpered slightly as he felt Namjoon grabbing his froming bulge. "Want to be my baby boy again." Jin nodded feeling his legs turn into jello and his face heat up.

Jin suddenly felt a slap on his face. "Answer me. Or did you out grow your training? Like an useless slut." Namjoon chuckles. "Sorry sir. I would really like to sir." "Good boy. Now jump." Namjoon said tapping on his bottom. Jin jumped into Namjoon hold before their heated make out session got restarted.

Namjoon took them to their bedroom and threw Jin onto the bed. "Undress but leave your underwear on." Namjoon demanded before making his way to a locked cabinet. "Yes sir." Jin croaked out and stared undressing.

When he was done he went down on his knees and looked down till his sir asked to do otherwise. "I see you didn't outgrow your training as much as I thought. Good boy." Namjoon said lifting up Jins chin. Jin blushed at the praise and even harder when he saw the item Namjoon had in his hand. "We're going to doll you up like old times. Open your mouth." Namjoon said before adjusting the ball gag around Jins head.

Jin whimpered a bit at the session of being restricted from most normal movements when Namjoon was done. It been pretty long since they did this. Jin had a pink color on that was connected to pink rope that decorated his body with a bunch of beautiful nods and forms. And his personal favorite was the pink ankle cuffs he had on.

Jin felt his mind becoming foggy as he saw Namjoon pick up a paddle with hearts on it. It didn't take long for his dom to manhandle him till he was laying across his lap. "Your ready angel?" Namjoonie asked getting a muffled 'yes sir' in response. Just like that the paddle strikes his but cheeks making him moan at the impact. "How about we do ten more before I get out the other toys?" Namjoon says getting a muffled answer from Jin. 

At the end of their short spanking session Jin had red heart marks on his ass. But he couldn't enjoy the look of it as Namjoon man handled him into laying on the bed. "Since you were so good I'm going to give you a reward. Do you want sir to treat you?" Namjoon asked getting a muffled reply.

Before Jin knew what to expect a cold finger coated with lube entered him hole. The feeling made him squirm but Namjoon kept him still by grabbing his hips. Jin couldn't get over the feeling of Namjoon stretching him. It had been so long since they had time to do this.

"Whats your save word?" Namjoon asked as he untied the gag from Jins mouth. "Red, sir." "Good. What is your color right now?" "Green, sir." Just like that Namjoon trusted two extra fingers in making Jin moan loudly. "Sir I want your cock. Can I please have your cock. I want to feel full." Jin begged. Namjoon who felt pretty generous today gave in after a few minutes of begging.

Namjoon slammed his member inside of the older making him moan loudly as he kept a fast pace. Jin became a babbling mess under him as the sub struggled again the robe around his body making them cut into his skin.

"C-can smlij." Jin tried asking to cum but he was just so much of a mess at this point that he couldn't form word. "What did you say baby boy?" Namjoon groaned. "Ca- aaaaah. Asjkm." "Come on baby you can do it." Namjoon encouraged. After a few times the words finally tumbled out of Jins mouth. "Go ahead baby boy." Just like that Jin came hard. His entire body shivered at how hard he came and oversensitivity as Namjoon chased his orgasem.

When Namjoon finally came he couldn't help but coo at Jins fucked out expression. He loved how Jin trusted him to make a complete wreck out of him and put him back together. "You did such a good job." Namjoon said whispering praise in the shivering males ears as he picked him up carefully.

Jin shook as Namjoon carefully undid the pink robes. "Thank y-you." Jin stuttered as he was coming down form his high. "No, thank you. You did so good. I'm proud of you." Jin smiled a bit lopsided at the younger. "Come on our bath is ready." Namjoon said picking Jin up again.

As they sat in bath Namjoon fed Jin small pieces of fruit and chocolate. "I love you." Jin suddenly said looking up to see Namjoons face. "I love you too." Namjoon smiled as Jin leaned back down on his chest. "Want to go nap after this?" Namjoon asked getting a tired nod from Jin.

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