Roadtrip pt2

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"Hobi don't!" Hiwan screeched as Hoseok had picked her up and was about to throw her into the water. " your going to regret this."

"No, no." Yoongi saw Ethan move closer with the same plan and started running. "Got you." Ethan said picking him up with ease. "No let me go." Yoongi whined But it was no use.

No both of them were laying in the water while their boyfriends were laughing. "You booth are sleeping on the couch tonight." Yoongi yelled getting an approving bnod from Hiwan. "Worth it." Hoseok said still laughing. "Let's see if that's really going to happen." Ethan said winking at Yoongi.

Just as Ethan said Yoongi ended up next to him in bed wanting to cuddle best sadly Hoseok was still on the couch.

"Hey." A soft voice said. "Mind if I join you?" Hiwan said with her head down. "Sure but why? Thought you were mad at me." "You know what forget I said something." Hiwan said wanting to turn around but Hoseok grabbed her arm. "Is their something wrong?" He asked as he hoisted her on his lap. "I-I." "I won't judge you." "I don't deal well with new places. I can't deal with change he well. It actually scared me." Hi wan softly admits. "It's okay. You don't have to be ashamed for. Change is a scary thing but can also be a good thing. Now how about we go to sleep." Hiwan just nods before dragging Hoseok to their bed so the could cuddle.

The next day the couples didn't question each other on why certain people didn't sleep on the couch and had a nice breakfast instead.

"Hallasan National Park here we come. I really want to make some pretty pictures." Hiwan said as she put on her black boots at the door. "I want to make photos of the volcano." Yoongi chirped as he jumped onto Ethan's back. Ethan had taken Yoongi's camera, which was around Ethan's neck so it wouldn't break as Yoongi jumped. "Want a photo of us kissing as close to the volcano as we can get." Ethan said walking out of the house so Hoseok could lock up the door. "Who's going to drive?" "I will." Yoongi said.

Hey Yoongi." Ethan said making the smaller turn around. They were near waterfalls which Yoongi and Hiwan were making photos of. "I got something for you." Ethan said getting on one knee. "I'm not asking you to marry me. This isn't a wedding ring. It a promise ring. A ring to symbolize the promise that we will always stay together and I hopefully one can call you Min Yoongi." Ethan said making Yoongi tears eyed. "Min Yoongi does sound nice." Yoongi said as Ethan slide on the ring onto his pinky finger. It was had their initials on it E.M. (Ethan Min) and  Youngi's future initials M.Y.. "I love you." Yoongi said before kissing Ethan. "I love you too." Ethan breathed as the separated.

They all got what they came for but when they came back home checking social media was probably not the best idea

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They all got what they came for but when they came back home checking social media was probably not the best idea. It turns out Hiwan wasn't the only one who had taken pictures of their special moment. Photos of Yoongi and Ethan kissing were all over social media. And their was a lot of hate.

"I don't get it. They know I'm RM's son. The RM who is married to a male. And they send hate to me for being gay and having a boyfriend." Yoongi semi angrily ranted nearly throwing his phone. "Leave them be. Their all just close minded people." Ethan reassured him. "Why don't you just relax. We have all the time in the world right now." Ethan said handing him a small object. And damn it was so tempting. Yoongi just eyed the Paci before taking it. "Uppies?" He asked quietly. Ethan just smiled and picked him up. "It's time for your nap baby." Just then Yoongi let out a small yawn and let his head lean on Ethan's shoulder. "No wan' no nappie." Yoongi slightly lisped. "Wan' to play witf papa, daddy an' momma." "Their will me more than enough time to do that after your nap." "Papa cuddles?" Yoongi asks batting his eyelashes as he looks up expectingly. "Of course baby."

Should I make a part 3 or skip it and go to an other family member. Let's vote. You can also make a suggestion for what you want.

Pt 3

Taehyung (poly)






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