Baby Yoonie

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Part 2 to punishment

Yoongi had never been in baby space and Hoseok didn't know how to handle it so he called Hiwan.

"Seok, slow down. Take a deep breath and explain everything again." Hiwan told the boy who was talking like he was trying to beat the fastest rapping record.

"So I had to give him his first punishment and when he woke up from his nap he was in baby space. I don't.... No, Yoonie that's not food. I don't know what to do and I don't have baby space supplies." Hoseok explained with a small interruption from Yoonie who was trying to put a block in his mouth.

"All you have to do is treat him like he is a baby. You have three younger brothers, it can't be that hard for you. You have some experience. Give him his paci and keep him from sticking things in his mouth. He is easily distracted. Use that. Now if you will excuse me I'm off to get you some baby space supplies. Till later sweetie." Hiwan said before ending the phone call.

Hoseok sighed it's just like caring for a baby what could go wrong. Well, apparently a lot. Yoonie was constantly trying to put things in his mouth like he was teething and would cry if Hoseok couldn't find something else for him to play with. He constantly spits out his pacifier. Yoonies attention span was way too short for Hoseok to clean up all the things the little had managed to scatter around before he was distracted by something dangerous again. And just to make it worse Yoonie tried standing and fell.

The littles cries filled the room after the shock of the fall wore off. Hoseok picked the little up and started bouncing and soothing him. Just as the little seemed to have stopped crying his phone decided to ring scaring the little back into cries his loud cries.

"I'm at the front door." Hiwan told him. "Why is Yoongi crying?"

"The ringtone of my phone scared him. Anyways I will be right there. Nobody is home right now. It's Sunday." Hoseok informed his girlfriend.

"I'm so glad you're here. I think I'm going to have a headache from all his crying. And he's going to have a sore throat." Hoseok said handing Yoonie over and taking the bag from his girlfriend. "Warm-up some strawberry milk and put it into a bottle, it will calm his nerves." Hiwan instructed as she soothed Yoongi into sniffles.

"You got scared huh baby. Don't worry mommy is here. And I have something for you." She cooed, gabbing a teether so Yoonie could bite down on it. Thankfully this distracted the tired little long enough for his bottle to be made.

"Yoonie do you want a bottle." Hoseok cooed. The little lifted his head a bit, dropping the teether. The little tilted his head as he rubbed his tired eyes with his sweater paws. "B." Yoongi muttered, making weak grabby hands towards the bottle. "Here baby." Hiwan said after she checked the temperature. She kept holding the bottle to make sure it didn't fall out of Yoonie weak hold.

Yoonie was out like a light after half of his bottle. Since they didn't have a crib Hiwan let the little straddle her and lay his head near her heart like a mother would do with her baby. (I do this all the time with my youngest cousin. She is 2/3 years old. It's adorable when she sleeps like that. And it makes me tired too because of her body heat.) She stroked his head with one hand and with the other she rubbed circles on his back soothing the little into a deep sleep.

"Here." Hoseok whispered as he put a piece of apple near her mouth. "Your a great caregiver and girlfriend you know that right." Hoseok complimented her as he fed her apple slices. Hiwan blushed at the compliment. "Why was he so stressed? Baby space is not his normal headspace so he must have been really stressed." "This is why you're a straight-A student. I think it's because of his exams. Last year he got several attacks within the test week." (I don't know how American schools work or any school for that matter. In the Netherlands we have test weeks three times a year and exams in your last year of middle/high school.) "I hope it's just that." Hiwan mumbled.

When Yoongi woke up his head was extremely fuzzy. He didn't quite remember what happened after his punishment but he was glad his stress was gone. "Hello, Yoonie." Hiwan cooed. Yoongi's face went red as he scrambled off her. "I'm big noona." He said as he looked down. "Want something to eat?" Yoongi nodded. "Let's let Seokie sleep. You tired him out." Hiwan said pointing at the sleeping boy at her side. She quickly took a photo before making Yoongi something to eat.

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