Pregnancy stories - Pt3

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"I'm pretty sure this was the hardest pregnancy I had." Jin groaned as he remembered what a hell it was to have the twins in his belly. "Your mood swings then we're the worst." Namjoon complained. "But their a cute bunch. They take after their father with the clumsiness." Jin said poking Namjoons dimple. "You love laughing at us." "You know I do." "But you were the clumsy one while pregnant." "No, I was not." Jin protested.

"Jin don't fall." Namjoon warned but it was too late. Jin was already on the ground. "Huh." Jin blinked confused a few times. For some reason he couldn't comprehend that he fell. Namjoon stood a bit further not wanting to confuse his husband anymore by suddenly standing in front of him. "That was a bit clumsy." Jin mumbled as he got up. "Hopefully you are still okay." Jin said patting his baby bump.

"Jinnie hyung are you okay?" Namjoon asked not sure what to find of the situation. Normally he was the clumsy one. Of course Jin had days where he would be clumsier than normal but never this bad. Just by walking from A to B Jin had stumbled several times and fell half way. "Yeah, I'm okay. Geuss I'm as clumsy as you today." Jin smiled as Namjoon helped him up.

The next few months after, Jin's clumsiness only got worse. He would trip over his own feet or break things randomly.

"Hyung I think it better if you just stay in bed. We don't want you to get hurt." Namjoon said one day too Jin. "And the baby will also stay safe." "Yeah eomma. We 'on't wan' you to get huwrt." Yoongi lisped. "An baby also safe." Hoseok added holding Yoongi's hand. "We will care for you for over the next 4 months." Namjoon smiled. "That so nice Joonie. But do you remember when you were sad that you couldn't come to the echo? Well geuss what we're going to have twins." Jin announced. Namjoons jaw dropped. "Twins?" Jin nodded happy. "That's amazing." "Appa what are 'wins?" Yoongi asked tugging on Namjoons pants. "It means eomma got two baby's in his belly instead of one." He explained. "Two baby's?" Hoseok asked with big eyes. "Yes, two baby's." Jin said the happiness thick in his voice. "Hyung I'm going to be a big brother like you for two baby's." Hoseok said happly.

"Those two were the cutest when the found we were having twins." Jin said nearly squealing at the memory. "Yeah they were." Namjoon said with a fond look in his eyes.

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