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"Wait your dad is RM. What a disappointment you must be." That sentence rang through Yoongi's head. After the Job fair his Appa finally got time for so he could go every kid in the school knew who his father was. One of Yoongi's bullies had said it to him. He had tried to convince himself that it wasn't true but the longer he thought about it the harder it became to convince himself. And from there it only got worse.

"What do you mean my fault. You can never own up to your mistakes can you!" Jin yelled at his husband. "How can I own up to a mistake I never made!" Namjoon yelled back.

All the children sat in the hallway listening to the screams that erupted from the kitchen. It wasn't the first time their parents had fought. Every relationship had his ups and downs but this fight was more heated than normal and it had scared the crap out of them. Especially since nearly all their friend their parents had been getting divorced like it was a new trend.

Yoongi had enough of seeing his brothers like this so he stood up and walked to the kitchen. As the oldest he was supposed to protect his brothers but it was only more scaring for him.

He walked into the kitchen trying to get his parents attention but failed miserably. Just as he was about to walk closer the to the fire of the fight something flew right into his face knocking him out cold.

To his brothers it just sounded as a lot of screaming between the three of them and than. Breaking glass and a loud scream that the all knew was their Eomma screaming bloody marry.

When it fell silent all four of them came out of hiding to see their eomma cradling their brother and their appa sitting helplessly in the corner of the kitchen. Hoseok went to his crying mother to see what had happened and quickly got the EHBO/first aid kit from the bathroom before his knees would buckle at the side of his brothers bloody face. Let just say he wasn't a fan of blood.

"Thank you Soekie." Jin had said still in tears and stared to clean and bandage the wound.

After they had laid Yoongi down on the sofa and Namjoon had finally got of the floor of the kitchen.

"Joonie where are you going?" Jin asked feeling extremely vulnerable after everything that happened. "I'm so sorry Jinnie. This is all my fault. I'm just going on a walk to distress. I don't want to hurt you or our children like I did with Yoongi." Namjoon said caressing the elders cheek. "Joonie this isn't your fault. It was a accident." Jin begged his husband to stay. "Jin, accidents follow me around especially when I'm stressed. I will be back in a hour, okay." Namjoon said leaning their foreheads together. "Promise." Jin sniffled holding out his pinky. "Promise." Namjoon said linking their pinky's together.

Yoongi groaned as he woke up again. "Where is appa?" Was the first thing he asked but only getting apologetic looks. "Your appa went for a walk." As soon as Yoongi heard that sentence come from his eomma's mouth he remembered what had happened in the kitchen.

"Appa, eomma! Please stop. Your scaring us!" Yoongi had yelled multiple times. Just when he wanted to step closer his appa had raised his hand and when it came back down it collided with a plate sending it flying towards Yoongi.

"Shit." Yoongi mumbled as he started to squirm in Hoseoks hold. Jin was about to scold the eldest for his language but he stoped when he saw the distressed look in Yoongi's eyes. It was the same that he wore when he was about to get an panic or anxiety attack. "Suga." Jin said with a clam voice but they had lost Yoongi already. Yoongi's eyes were unfocused and he was clawing at his throat meaning he had trouble breathing.

Jin tried his best to ground Yoongi but it was no use. He wasn't Namjoon. Namjoon and Hoseok were the best at calming Yoongi down. He needed his husband right now. Hoseok was also trying his best but Yoongi's eyes stayed unfocused and his breathes were only getting sallower.

Just as Jin was about to give up hope the front door opened. Namjoon walked I'm soaking wet but Jin didn't care. He shot up and dragged his husband into the living room. "Please help." Jin said more to himself than Namjoon who already dropped to his knees in front of the boy.

It took about an hour, and a while with the receptor because Yoongi nearly fainted from lack of air, to get Yoongi to calm down enough so he could talk again.

"Appa." Yoongi whispered throwing himself at his father and hugging all the air out of him. "I thought you wouldn't come back anymore." Yoongi sobbed.

The rest of the family decided it would be a good idea to get ready for bed to give them some privacy.

"Why would you think that prince?" Namjoon asked. "Because I'm a disappointment and you and eomma had a big fight." "You're not a disappointment. I couldn't be prouder of you. And don't worry about the fight. Eomma and I had a slip up. It's going to be alright. And I'm so, so sorry for hurting you. It was an accident I could never forgive myself for." "It's okay appa. Can we make a cuddle pile?" Yoongi asked shyly knowing it would make him feel better. "Okay, but tomorrow I'm telling you all the reason I can come up with to make you see how proud I'm of you." Namjoon said before calling the others in and changing out of his wet clothes so he could join the cuddle pile in the living room.

Now Yoongi has a small scar that's hidden under the fringe of his hair to remind him of the day everyone followed him, like ducklings following their mother, just to keep telling him everything they liked about him and how he made them proud.

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