School festival

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"I can't wait for the school festival." Yoongi said as he went to his closet. Hiwan was with him because the would go around town making photos for their own photo collection. "Me too it's going to be so much fun." "I found it now let's go." Yoongi said showing the new cord he bought for his camera since the old one snapped.

Fast forward a few days and it was the night of the festival. Yoongi couldn't be more hyped than he already was. He sat in his room doing his hair which he had recently dyed black with green highlights after getting tired of the mint.

"Hiwan is here." Jin called. Yoongi's smile grew as he grabbed his camera and the rest of his belongings.

Yoongi basically ran down the stairs. "Let's g..." Yoongi was cut off by Hoseok and Hiwan going out the door together. His shoulders slumped and he felt like the hole world crashed on him. He had been so exited to go with his best friend to the festival. But it seems she had other plans. Just as he wanted to confront her he could hear Hoseok motorcycle drive away.

He sighed heavily as he let his body fall on his bed. Guess he was going to spend the night alone.

"Hey, why so sad?" Namjoon asked sitting next to him on Yoongi's bed. "Wasn't that festival today?" "I'm not going anymore." Yoongi sighed sadly. "Would you mind telling me why not?" "I have no one too go with anymore." Yoongi mumbled. "Why not. Did something happen?" Namjoon asked sweeping some fringe out of Yoongi's face. "I thought Hiwan was here to pick you up." "I thought so too but she forgot to tell me she was going with her boyfriend instead."

"What about this." Namjoon suggested after thinking for a while. "I will bring you to the festival and your going to have fun on your own a take lots of beautiful pictures for me. Maybe I will find one for my new album cover." Yoongi's eyes sparkled at that idea. "Okay." He mumbled getting of bed.

Soon he arrived at the festival. "Call me when you need to be picked up." Namjoon said. "Okay, I will appa." Yoongi said with a small smile.

He walked around for a bit seeing a lot of beautiful lights and small tents with a games, food or souvenirs. He had taken a few beautiful pictures but he felt sad since he wouldn't have anyone to show them to till he got home.

"Hey, you look far to pretty to be sad." A guy said who Yoongi vaguely recognized. "Are you talking to me?" Yoongi asked confused. "Yes, I mean I don't see anyone else as cute as you." Yoongi blushed deeply. "I'm Ethan, I have math with you." The guy said. Ethan had black hair and a slight tan. He was also quite a bit taller than Yoongi. "Why are you so sad." "My best friend kind of dumped me to go with her boyfriend so I'm alone." Yoongi said looking down. Socializing was not his thing. "I'm alone to would you mind if I tag along?" Yoongi thought for a bit. It wouldn't hurt to get some company. "It's okay." He smiled.

They talked a bit while Yoongi took some more photos and even some of Ethan. He was actually enjoying himself and didn't mind Ethan's presence as much as he thought since he was still a stranger to him. But by the end of the night they has exchanged phone numbers.

"How was it?" Namjoon asked when he saw Yoongi's smile. "It was fun. I met their guy who's apparently in my math class and he kept me company. And I took lot of pictures." "I'm glad you had fun."

The next day Hiwan stood in frond of their door. "I'm so sorry Yoongi." She nearly cried. "I know it's not an excuse but I was so busy and my phone broke. So when Hoseok asked me too go to the festival I got so excited and completely forgot that we were going together. I'm so sorry please forgive me. I promise I will make it up too you." "It's okay. I had fun without you. There was also this cute guy from my math class who kept me company. So I didn't minded it. But about the making up part you could buy me lunch." Yoongi said calmly. "Deal." "Now that that's out of the way come to my room I got to tell you what happened." Yoongi said was he dragged Hiwan up the stairway.

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