Gender fluid

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Jungkook had some days where he would feel uncomfortable when some called him a boy or any other name that indicated him being one. He found it weird. He was a boy at least from the outside. He didn't understand the feeling.

On those days he would avoid mirrors as they only reminded him of how he looked like a boy. He didn't feel like a boy on those days. He would love to be more feminine on those days or just him. He was more vulnerable on those days and wanted someone to lean on.

Today was one of those days. As a start, he woke up. He felt a slight itch under his skin seeing his bleu walls. He didn't want them to be blue today, he wanted pink. When he finally got over his dilemma with colors he stood up to get dressed.

It was a Saturday which meant old comfy clothes. When he had put on his favorite hoodie and sweatpants he felt uncomfortable. He wanted something else. But he didn't know what. He looked through his clothes trying to find what he was looking for without knowing what it was.

"Good morning Kookie." Yoongi greeted. "It's actually noon already. But eomma has left pancakes for you." Jungkook didn't focus on what his brother told him. He just looked at his outfit and it finally clicked. He wanted to wear a skirt or something else feminine. "Kook, are you listening?" Yoongi said getting him out of his daydream. "You just woke up didn't you?" Jungkook nodded with a sleepy expression. "There are pancakes downstairs for you." Jungkook nodded again.

Then Jungkook did the dumbest thing he could ever think of. He sneaked into Yoongi's room.

It was a dumb idea because even if Yoongi would let his brothers hang out in his room all the time he would also hide valuable things so they won't accidentally break it or something of that nature. Yoongi also liked his personal space. If you violated it could mean your death.

Now Jungkook stood in front of Yoongi's closet. It was well organized and neat. There was a wall in the middle separating him from female clothes and male clothes. Yoongi even had special planks for his accessories and makeup. Jungkook looked through the female clothes and found a cute purple skirt and a crop top he liked. But then he hesitated. He couldn't wear this. First of all everyone would think he is weird for his reason of wanting to wear it and second because it was Yoongi's clothes. It was too big for Jungkook and if Yoongi saw him in it he would be over.

"What are you doing in here Kookie?" A voice asked him and he immediately bursted out into tears. "I'm sorry." He sniffed as he fell on his knees. "I'm sorry. I know it's weird." Arms embraced him. "It's okay Kookie." Hoseok's voice soothed him.

When Jungkook stopped crying he was finally able to look up at his brother. "Kookie it's okay. I just need you to explain what happened. I won't judge you." Everyone knew Hoseok was a person you could tell anything. Everything you told him was kept safe and he would try to help and give you a warm smile.

"I - I." Jungkook started. "Should we go to your room or mine?" Hoseok asked, sensing Jungkook's distress. "Yours." Jungkook softly said not being able to look at his blue walls.

Hoseok's room was a warm beige color. There weren't any bright colors as the decoration of the room contrasted Hoseok's bright personality. Hoseok had once said that it helped him be calm when his head was still in a hyper mode.

"I.. I didn't feel like wearing boy's clothes." Jungkook admits. "I don't see a problem. Hyung is just like that. We could get you some female clothes." Hoseok said but their was still discomfort radiating from Jungkook. "Is there more to it?" He carefully asked. Jungkook nodded. "I have these days where I'm not comfortable in my clothes or body. I want to feel feminine and a bit more dependent on people around me and emotional support. I don't want to be called a boy but a while later I feel really masculine and want to be really strong and independent. And there are also times where it's in the middle. Like I want to combine those two. I don't know what's wrong with me." Jungkook explained as a tear slipped down his face. "There is nothing wrong with it Kookie. I think it's called gender fluid. Yoongi and I were looking up different sexuality's and identities and what your saying describes it. We should probably look it up to be sure." Hoseok said, revealing a smile that eased Jungkook's tense body. He felt a lot better already.

In the next few days, everyone was enlightened by Jungkook's situation and how to deal with it. Hoseok being a considered brother gave Jungkook 3 bracelets. They were blue, pink and purple. The blue one was for when he felt masculine. The pink one was for when he felt feminine. And the purple was for no gender. Jungkook was glad for this because it would be pretty awkward telling everyone how you felt or when it changed.

Yoongi had helped the youngest find some cute clothes. His parents painted half of his room pink and made an ombre in the middle letting the line be a blurred purple so he would feel more comfortable. All his family supported him and helped him feel comfortable in his own skin. And he couldn't be more thankful.

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