Hiwan pt. 2

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I swear to God I only had 135 reads this morning. Now it's 501. What happens while I was gone!?! And how sweet. ⬆️

"Seokie. Waky waky." Yoongi said with a bit of a higher voice as he shook Hoseok. It was Sunday and since most of the house would be empty Hoseok normally made Yoongi slip on this day. But today Yoongi already woke up little and he wanted not more than to play with Hoseok.

Someone groaned under the lump of blankets and sat up. Yoongi tilled his head confused. Their was a woman sitting on his Soekies bed. A small gasp left his mouth as he fingered out what happened and he ran to his room. Leaving a confused Hiwan.

"Seok-ah." She said waking her boyfriend up. "Is their something wrong with Yoongi?" "What ya mean?" Hoseok slightly slurred in his sleepy state. "He came in here to wake you up but when I woke up he just looked confused and ran out a little later. He looked more relaxed and childlike." She explained. "Wait." Hiwan gasped. "Is he a little?" She aske excitement prominent in her eyes. "How do know about little space?" Hoseok asked confused. "I have a large range of interests, Seokie. But is he because that would be so cute." Hoseok just lightly nodded. "Wait, does he normally slip on Sundays?" "No, I normally make his slip. Guess he just woke up little."

"Yoonie?" Hoseok asked as he entered the littles room. "I'm not little Hoseok and we have a guest." Yoongi growled. "She figured out you were in little space when you came to wake me up." Yoongi's eyes went wide. "W-what?"

"I think it's cute Yoongi." She said. Yoongi started to play with his fingers nervously. "You don't think I'm weird?" "I do think your weird but not because of that." She said making Yoongi flash a small smile. "Do you want to slip?" She asked getting a nod form Yoongi. "How about you do that and we will take you out for breakfast. My cousin has a cafe with a little theme." "Yes please." Yoongi said shyly already beginning to slip.

About a hour later everyone was ready to go. Hiwan dressed them both since she asked two and they just couldn't deny her that joy. She took a black and white striped shirt and some ripped jeans for Hoseok and made it complete with a green jacket and some glasses. For Yoongi she took a oversized space sweater with blue shorts and knee socks. Yoongi had grabbed a chocked with kitten on it and asked Hiwan too put some freckles on him. Lastly for her self she lend some of Yoongi's cloths. Pink shorts and a black crop top that matched her shoes. Because it was a bit cold outside she took a light black jacket.

 Because it was a bit cold outside she took a light black jacket

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"Wait you wore those shoes yesterday and you walked in the rain all the way to our house in these?" Hoseok asked after seeing her shoes

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"Wait you wore those shoes yesterday and you walked in the rain all the way to our house in these?" Hoseok asked after seeing her shoes. "Yep." "Your a super hero end of discussion." Hoseok said making both Yoongi and Hiwan giggle. "Yeah mo-Wannie is a sufer hero." Yoongi cheered. "What did you want to call me sweet hart?" Hiwan asked. Yoongi blushed as he mumbled a small 'mommy'. "Don't worry sweety you can call me mommy. Does this mean that Seokie is daddy?" Yoongi shyly nodded. "I wanna call Seokie daddy." He mumbled. "Of course you can."

"Well let's go. The bus comes in ten minutes and it's around a five minute walk to get to the bus stop." Hiwan said opening the door.

"Prewty." Yoongi giggled when they arrived at the place. It was all pastel colors and had mostly baby or child themed cakes and sandwiches. "Do you want pancakes sugar." Hoseok asked. "Yes please and can I has strawbfriefs too? Prewtty please." Yoongi asked blinking up at his two caregivers. "Of course sweetie."

Soon all of them sat at a table eating their breakfast. Yoongi made a sticky mess of his pancakes on his face and all the two caregivers could do was coo at the boy. "Mommy want a pice too?" Yoongi asked holding a strawberries in front of Hiwan's face. "Strawbfiefs are yummy and yummy things make me happy. I want you to be happy mommy. No more sad." Yoongi ranted. "Thank you sugar." Hiwan said accepting the strawberry. Yoongi even cared about her well being while in little space. All she could do at the gesture was smile. "I feel better already." She answered. "I'm glad." Hoseok said pecking her lips. "Ewwww." Yoongi said scrunching his nose up making the two caregivers laugh.

When the three of them came back to the Kim house Hiwan's parents sat in the living room. "Honey where were you? We were so worried." Her mother asked hugging her. "I'm sorry. I was so scared. I just couldn't stay in the house and risking hurting my self trying to stop you." Hiwan said tears brimming her eyes. "Were so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." Hiwan's dad said. "We have news to tell you. You might want to sit down for this." Hiwan sat down on the couch clutching both boys their hands. "We're getting a divorce." "W-what. You can't do that. What about me I can't choose one of you." Hiwan said as her tears started to flow. "I'm sorry sweetie but our relationship is too toxic to go on any further and we're only hurting you and each other. This is for the best. We brought you some clothes you can stay with your friends as long as you need." Her mom explained.

"No more tears mommy." Yoongi said tears gathering in his eyes as he watched Hiwan break down. "Daddy help no want mommy sad." Yoongi pleaded. Hoseok was holding Hiwan so she could cry on his shoulder. It had been about 5 minutes since her parents had left. "It's going to be alright babe. Where here for you." Hoseok whispered into her ear as she kept sobbing.

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