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The first time Yoongi got punished was a big surprise for everyone involved. Yoongi's little side was always a good boy. He would always say please and thank you and was mostly quiet. But now Yoongi was stressed. It was exam season and being a straight-A student didn't mean he would automatically pass. Yoongi was so stressed that when he slipped into his safe zone he still felt stressed and the smallest thing could set him off.

Yoonie didn't feel well and he didn't know why. There was this strange buzz under his skin and his muscles were tense. All he knew was that he didn't like this feeling one bit.

"Daddy, can I have candy?" Yoongi asked from the ground where he was coloring. He felt calm coloring. It made the weird buzzy feeling less noticeable. "No sugar. You're going to have a nap soon. After you can have some." Hoseok said but Yoonie was having none of it. "But I wan' now." Yoonie stubbornly tried. "Don't be rude. I said you can have some later." Hoseok said being more dominant in his way of speaking. "No, I want now!" Yoonie yelled. "I will give you one last time to behave, Yoongi." Hoseok said in a no-nonsense tone but Yoonie was still having none of it. "No, I want candy! Now! Ugly face!" Yoonie yelled, throwing a crayon in anger. "That's it your getting a punishment." At that sentence, Yoonie froze.

He had never gotten a punishment before. He was quite scared, to be honest. A punishment seemed such a foreign and scary thing.

"Get over here." Hoseok commanded. Yoonie scrambled over to his caregiver. "I'm sorry daddy. Yoonie bad boy." He said with his head down in shame. "Listen up this is what is going to happen. You're getting 5 spankings for throwing stuff. 5 spankings for calling daddy a mean name. And 10 minutes time out for throwing a tantrum. You can choose which one first. Don't try to get out of it or throw another tantrum because I'm not afraid to take away your privileges too." "Yes, Daddy. Spankies first please." Yoonie sniffled that he didn't want to be a bad boy. He just felt really weird and this wasn't doing anything to make it better. But he wanted to be a good boy and take his punishment.

"Over my lap." Hoseok commanded. Yoonie shuffled over to his caregiver and did as he was told. "Count for me." Hoseok said. Yoonie nodded, still sniffling. "One." A pain shot through his bottom. It wasn't really hard but for his 4 year old mindset, it was like being shot.

At the end of the spankings, Yoonie was a crying mess. Hoseok rubbed the littles bottom to smooth the pain. "You took your punishment so well. You just have to be strong a little while longer and then you can cuddle with daddy while you nap." Hoseok spoke softly. Yoonie nodded while trying to stop crying. "Just a bit more."

Hoseok took pity on the sniffling figure in the corner of the room. It was his first punishment and he took it well enough. Instead of 10 minutes Yoonie only sat 5 minutes in the corner. No later the two of them were cuddling in bed with a very tired little, all the crying had with him out.

When Hoseok opened his eyes again he was met with a giggling little drooling over his hands. "Hey, baby." Hoseok said with a groggy voice. Yoonie looked over and giggled loudly again clapping his wet hands. The little soon got distracted with his wet hands and started playing with it.

It took a little while for Hoseoks just woke up to realize Yoongi was in baby space.

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