I'm proud of you hyung

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Yoongi first got diagnosed with anxiety and a mild depression when he was 15. They first noticed something when he had to do a presentation for his English class. His appa had giving him a lot of help but as the day got closer he got less and less confident and more nervous. It got so bad that when he was practicing in his room he panicked when and a wave of anxiety hit him.

"A-and t-t-t-th-tha-tha." He tried to go further but all he could do was stutter out some words as he imagined all of his classmates laughing at him. His airway was getting tighter as he backed away. As soon as he bumped into a wall and his knees buckled.

Now here he was, clawing at his throat and gasping for air as tears slipped away. He felt like he was underwater. And it hurt. Breathing hurt. His chest hurt. His head hurt. Everything hurt.

He didn't know how long he was sitting there when Hoseok bursted into his room with a big smile in his face. "Hey, hyung we would..." Hoseok froze when he saw his older brother sitting against the wall struggling to breath.

When Hoseok came back to his senses he kneeled down in front of his brother. "Hyung can you hear me." Hoseok tried multiple times to get his brothers attention but all he got were Yoongi's failed attempts to get air into his lungs and a glassy unfocused stare.

"EOMMA!" Hoseok screamed as he ran to the living room where he saw his parents cuddling earlier.

"Eomma hyung's is having trouble breathing and he won't react when I call him." Hoseok said his eyes showing how distressed he was. Both parents instantly darted up to go after Hoseok as the he let the way to the elders room.

Hoseok and Jin watched, soon to be joined by the rest of the house, as Namjoon put a hand on Yoongi shoulder. "Yoongi." He called out calmly with quite a loud voice. It took a few tries but Yoongi's eye were trying to focus on him. "Come on baby boy you got to breath with appa." Namjoon took his free hand and put Yoongi's hand on his heart. "In.......and out.......in........ and out......" Of course it took Yoongi a while to get his breathing to slow down but after 15 minutes his eyes started focusing again. "Yes, that's it. Don't worry we're here for you." Namjoon said whipping tears away with the hand that was on Yoongi's shoulder.

Everyone watched intrigued as Yoongi came back to his senses. They had never seen something so scary before. They all stood frozen as they watched Yoongi struggle to regain his breath. At some point Jungkook looked up at Jin and asked "Eomma is hyung going to be okay?" He was truly concerned over his brothers wellbeing. He couldn't imagine something terrible happening to him. And seeing as this situation was unknown to all of him it seemed like his brother was going to die. "He is going to be okay baby. But after this you got to be extra nice to him, okay." "Why eomma? What's happening to hyung?" Jin led the youngest three of the family to the living room so he could explain what was happening to their older brother while Hoseok stayed behind.

When Yoongi's breath was back to normal he was lifted up on to his bed. "Hoseok~ah come join us." Namjoon had said knowing Hoseok bring there would help ground Yoongi better. Soon the three of them were cuddling on Yoongi's bed.

Yoongi was both mentally and physically drained from his panic attack earlier. But just as he was drifting to sleep he felt someone gently shake him awake. "Eomma?" He asked with a hoarse voice as he peeked his eyes open. "Are you feeling better Suga?" Jin asked earning a tired nod. "Good. You can go to sleep soon but I want you to eat something first, okay? And you can have some chocolate after." Yoongi nodded again to tired to speak.

Jin had fed his son the soup and gave him some chocolate after. "Suga we are going so you can sleep." Namjoon said watching the sleepy boy nibble on his last piece chocolate. "Soekie stay please." Yoongi said grabbing Hoseok arm to keep him from leaving. "Okay, hyung." Hoseok had said with a smile before climbing back in bed and cuddling the hell out of the other.

Soon after that traumatic indecent Yoongi had gotten diagnosed and went to therapy. But occasional hug from Hoseok or cuddle piles with the hole family also did wonders.

Present day

"Good morning Suga." Hoseok said as he woke up in his older brothers bed. "Good morning Sunshine." Yoongi mumbled half asleep. He could never fully wake up after being asleep so he would always just lean on the closet person, which most likely ended being Hoseok, to get trough hid morning routine. "Do you know what day it is hyung?" Hoseok asked the older boy who yawned resembling a small kitten. Yoongi just hummed in acknowledgement still too sleepy to answer. "Today it's two years since you have diagnosed. And I'm so proud of you still fighting." Hoseok said receiving a other hum. "Don't worry I will say it again when your more awake." Hoseok chuckled as he basically dragged the older to the bathroom to brush their teeth while tanking the lord that it was Saturday and he wouldn't have to basically drag a zombie to school.

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