Fastforward pt.1 (Yoongi)

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This book is coming to an end soon

Yoongi's college years weren't the best. He had a jerk of a roommate who was mostly out partying or having sex in the dorm. He discovered that he had a panic disorder with a level of anxiety instead of an anxiety disorder. And with not seeing his friends and family for long periods of time he fell into a full blown depression. He couldn't find it in himself to smile anymore when he saw them. He wasn't happy and they sure wouldn't be if they found out how far he had fallen. To help relieve pain Yoongi started cutting. He wasn't proud of it but it was a temporary solution.

"Hi Yoongi." Ethan called out happily. They hadn't seen each other in person for months but Yoongi couldn't take it upon himself to smile. If he did he would only show fake emotions and he had promised not to lie to him. "Hi." He answered monotone.

Ethan frowned upon hearing it. He knew of Yoongi's state of mind but seeing it in real live was a bit scary. It frightened him that Yoongi was so close to give up living. Yoongi never told him but it was one of the worst case scenarios Ethan's mind would wonder to.

Ethan wasn't the only one worried. Everyone was.

When Ethan hugged Yoongi he didn't want to let go. This was the only affection that he had gotten in months. He didn't want it to disappear. Ethan caught on to this and offered to go to Yoongi's dorm so they could cuddle

When they got to Yoongi's dorm Yoongi places himself in Ethan's lap and cried. Ethan held him know this would be better for him.

"Please tell me you didn't leave the bathroom a bloody mess again?" Yoongi's roommate asked. Starteling both boys. Yoongi's just curled further into Ethan's hold.

"Bloody mess?" Ethan asked. "Yeah, he fainted last time and left blood every where after he cut." His roommate tsked before leaving the dorm.

"Yoongi tell me this is not true." Ethan asked on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry." Yoongi sobbed louder. "Show me." Ethan said his voice barely a whisper. He needed prove so he wouldn't convince himself that this wasn't realty.

Yoongi hesitated but took his shirt of revealing his arms full of scares. "Hyung please stop hurting yourself. I can live in a world where your not." Ethan said on the verge of tears.

Both boy cried their emotions out. "I'm so sorry. I promise to stop." Yoongi whispered gripping Ethan shirt tightly.

"I should open up too. I geuss its only fair since you open up to me so much." Yoongi was about to reassure Ethan that he didn't have too but Ethan was faster, "Let me do this." Yoongi nodded and put his shirt back on. "I got abandoned issues. When I was five my dad left us and I caught him in the act. I remember begging him not to go. But he just shoved me and told me that he didn't love and that I wasn't worth enough to stay. That's why every time the option for you to leave presents I become an emotional mess"

"Now that I told you. Let's order pizza. I'm starving and I'm kind of tired from all that crying." Ethan admitted. "Yeah, me too." Yoongi said showing a small smile. The first smile he had showed in months.



After college Ethan finally popped the question. They were at Yoongi's new studio. Yoongi had just gotten a bigger one thanks to his success as a producer.

"Yoongi hyung. You always been there for me even when I didn't think I needed it. You have been by my side in both our ups and downs. I could never meet someone like you. That I can love I like I love you. I need you with me so.." Ethan went on one knee. "Kim Yoongi would you give me the honor of marrying you." "Yes." Yoongi said as tears rolled from his eyes from joy. Ethan slide the ring next to the promise ring he gave Yoongi years ago.

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