2 littles

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Thanks for the suggestion @btsaremywings

Also all the slots for requested chapters are full

In the week after their trip to Hawaii Yoongi found it hard to stay big. Stress of finding a good college finally settle in him. He had gotten a few scholarships and the entrance exams were soon.

Now Yoongi was curled up into a ball on a soft rug in his room as he sucked on a baby bleu pacifier. He was home alone so he could be as little as he wanted. He found himself about to go to sleep when the door of his room opened.

"Yoongi can you..." Jin fell silent as he saw Yoongi. The boy was dressed in a cute baby bleu attire that consisted of a soft bleu jacket, several pastel different colors shorts, bleu sneakers that had a drawing of milk on it and a bleu chocker with a small glitter ball in the middle. Before he could say anything Yoongi closed his door roughly. Jin didn't miss the teary eyes his son had.

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Jin stud their in front of the door stunned

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Jin stud their in front of the door stunned. Yoongi was indeed a little. He couldn't help but smile. He was right. But his smile flattered as he heard Yoongi soft whimpers. "Please no mad at Yoonie." Jin could make out of it. All he wanted to do was hold his son and tell him it was okay but seeing he was still in little space he refrained from it. He didn't want Yoongi to freak out and have a panic attack in little space.

"Joonie we have a problem."Jin said calling Namjoon in his their room. "I walked into Yoongi in little space."

"Are you sure he was in little space?" Namjoon asked to be sure.

"Namjoon he was sucking on a paci and kept saying 'Please no mad a Yoonie' after he closed the door." Jin took a shaky breath. "I don't know what to do. I didn't want him to have a panic attack in little space so I left him but he's crying and it breaks my heart. Wait, he just stopped crying." Jin said curious at the sudden silence. He sneaked a piek out of his room finding Hoseok comforting Yoongi. "Hobi has him."

"Okay that's good. Don't do anything till I get home. If we do this in one go it will be over faster." Namjoon said as heard knocks on his studio door.

"Okay Joonie love you."

"Love you too."

"Baby why are you crying?" Hoseok asked cradling Yoongi in his arms. (I cradled you in my arms [geuss where thats from]) "E-Eomma saw." Yoongi sniffled. "He saw you in little space?" Yoongi nodded with teary eyes. "Are you scared to tell him?" Yoongi nodded again.

After a while Yoongi fell asleep. He had gotten tired because of how much he cried. Hoseok tucked Yoongi in and was about to leave the room when his parents stopped him.

"We need to talk." Namjoon said. Hoseok visibly gulped. "Okay."

"So we know Yoongi is a little." Namjoon said as they took a seat in the living room. "I know he is small but he doesn't like us telling him that." Hoseok said trying to avoid the subject. "Hoseok we know that you know about it. We're not mad. If we're completely honest I'm a little too." Jin said. Hoseok nearly choked on air. "What?" "Well in my college years. Your not going to see me crawling around any time soon." Jin waves off. "How did you find out?" Hoseok asked curiously. "I had my suspicions but it just got confirmed when I walked into his room just now." "He cried himself to sleep. He was really scared." Hoseok said letting his gaze slip too his shoes. "We're going to comfort him when he wakes up." Namjoon assured.

When Yoongi blinked his eyes open he was way to far in little space to comprehend what was going on around him. So when he saw a figure sitting on his bed he curled up into his lap with out knowing who it was.

Jin was quite surprised at the action but quickly figured out what was happening. "Do you want some food sweetie?" Yoongi clapped in his hands as he showed a bright gummy smile at the word 'food'.

Jin carried Yoongi to the kitchen so he could cut up some bananas for him to eat. "So quick already?" Namjoon asked. "Nope, he just regressed so far that he barely comprehends anything like an actual baby. Take him from me please." Jin said giving Yoongi to Namjoon.

Namjoon stared at a Yoongi for a while. Yes he was a caregiver but this is different. It gave him a feeling of nostalgia. It was like Yoongi was a baby all over again. "You guys grow up so fast." He muttered before sitting on the couch.

"I got banana for him." Jin said placing a bowl in front of them, Yoongi ignored the spoon and grabbed some with his hands. "No baby. With a spoon. Let me feed you." Jin tried but Yoongi was to fixated on playing and eating the bananas. Namjoon couldn't help bu let out a chuckle. "You it's funny seeing you to this when you also did this." Jin's face lit up with embarrassment. "Yah! Just let me live." Yoongi let out a happy squeal making both parents coo at him.

"I'm home." Taehyung announced when he walked into the house. "Hi Tae." Jin greeted to busy with feeding Yoongi to process what Taehyung would see. "Uhm, what's going on here?" Taehyung asked unsure. Then it hit both parents. Taehyung didn't know. "Joon keep feeding him. Taehyung we need to talk."

Lucky for them Taehyung was quite understanding but a bit sad that he was the last to be told.

It took till the end of the day for Yoongi to slip out of little space and realized what was happening. Yoongi could feel himself starting to hyperventilate as he waited for his parents to do something. "Yoongi-ah. Take a breath. We're not mad at you. As a matter of fact I was a little too in my college years." "Really?" "Yup, I still have pictures." Namjoon commented. "Namjoon!" Jin yelped. "Do you want to see them." "Is it weird if I say yes?" Yoongi asked. "No not at all. Your just curious."

That's how the night ended with everyone seeing Jins little pictures and Jin completely red faced from embarrassment.

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