Anpanman pt 2

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Namjoon - destruction powers
Jin - teleportation and mind powers
Yoongi - gosht powers (Danny phantom style)
Hoseok- magic
Jimin - fire
Taehyung - ice
Jungkook - animal powers (like beastboy)

Yoongi was peacefully sleeping with his head on Hoseok's shoulder when the alarm went off. He got so startled that he went intangible and fazed true Hoseok meeting the ground. "Come on hyung we need to go." Hoseok said, helping his brother off the ground.

"What's the emergency?" Hoseok asked upon entering the basement a.k.a. their secret base with a still sleepy Yoongi. "Accident on the Utopia cliff. There are cars hanging off the edge and the police and fire department can't get to them." Namjoon answers calmly. "Your eomma will bring you. Good luck." Jin grabbed their hands and teleported them to the place.

"Gosht (Yoongi) get those cars on the right and Spector (Hoseok) get the cars on the left." Jin ordered as the boys instantly scattered. The task was done pretty quickly.

"Why didn't you alert us?" Jungkook whines pouting. "Because you wouldn't have handled the situation as quickly as they have. Since your abilities are different. And don't pout Gukkie I'm sure that there's something you can do soon." Namjoon says calmly as he looks at the monitor.

"I'm bored." Taehyung whines laying half off his bed. "Me too." Jimin whines sitting on his fireproof bed. "Me three." Jungkook says plopping down on the floor on the line in the middle of the twin's room. The line was there so you would know where to be to not get either burned or frozen by accident. "Why don't we get a mission? I thought that when we were old enough to go on a mission. Now we are and we have only been on one mission." Jungkook huffed. "Kookie, please don't work me up. We don't want another fire by accident," Jimin mumbles looking as if he was about to fall asleep.

"Guys!" Yoongi yells coming through, the ceiling startling everyone. "What the hell hyung?" Taehyung yells back as Jimin just looks around confused till his eyes meet the flying figure in their room. "Sorry, I'm kinda high on adrenaline I need someone to spar with to get this out of my system or else I will be jumpy for a while." "Choose me!" All three boys yell at the same time.

"No, time for that boys, it's time for school." Jin says standing in the door opening. "Come on, I will bring you and remember no powers in school." Jin warns.

In school, the boys try to keep a low profile but that's kind of hard when rumors surround you. Luckily they have someone watching their back. "Hi, guys." Lila greets putting her hands on Taehyungs and Jimin's shoulders. "Fuck." She mumbles retracting her hands. "Why do I keep doing that?" "Because you're an idiot." Taehyung jokes. "Be glad for those stupid powers of yours or else I would have beat your ass." she snarls looking at her slightly burned hand and slightly frozen hand. "I came to tell you guys about the new rumors. People are getting suspicious about the temperature near you." "Then they just need to get out of my way." Jimin simply says. "I don't think you see the problem Jimin." Jimin shrugged before walking towards his class. "See you guys later."

"How can he be so...?" "So obnoxiously calm." Taehyung finishes. "He needs to so he won't burn down the school. Worrying about rumors will only get him worked up." He explains. "I can't stand him because of that. I'm here worrying about you and he just shrugs at it. Anyway, we have a math class to attend. Please keep under the radar." "Will do."

Let's just say that was going to happen. When the last school bell rang the school was hit with a tremor scaring most people. "Don't worry it was just a mild earthquake. You can go home now. Be careful on your way home. There might be slight aftershocks." Their teacher warned.

As soon as the twins had made it outside their watches began to go off. A mission alarm. "Yes finally." Taehyung cheered. Jimin just simply tapped on the side of the watch to hear their mission.

"These tremors aren't natural. Go and investigate the epicenter. We will be there as soon as possible." Namjoon's voice said through the watch.

"Let's go it's this way." Jimin said after looking at the location. They both quickly slipped their masks on and changed into their costumes. Jimin flew while Taehyung skied on ice (frozone style).

When they arrived another tremor was making Taehyung lose his balance and fall off the ice.

"Hi Hyung." Jungkook greeted after catching his older brother. "Hi. How did you get here so fast?" "Cheetah." Jungkook deadpanned putting Taehyung down.

"Are you two coming? I think I found something." Jimin said pointing at a hidden hole in the ground. He hopped over the opening to inspect it. "I'm going to go down." Jimin said before lowering himself into the hole.

Jimin lit a small fire on his hand as it became darker. When he hit the ground he noticed something odd. The floor was made of metal. Just as he crouched down to inspect it the ground shook making him fall and accidentally send a fireball into the air.

Another earthquake hit and a fireball flew into the air. "We need to go down Ji.. hyung might need some help." Taehyung's mentality facepalmed himself for nearly breaking one of the most important rules. They were never allowed to call each other by their names while on a mission. But the three youngest didn't have a superhero name yet because apart from training they didn't have any experience.

Both boys lowered themselves into the hole. Taehyung used his ice to make an ice spiral slide while Jungkook flew down with the power of a seagull (his favorite bird).

"You okay hyung?" Jungkook asked when they reached the bottom. "Yeah, but this is really weird." Jimin said, making his fire a bit bigger so they could see the floor. "Move a bit to the right." Taehyung said, keeping distance from his brother's fire. "There. I think it's a door handle." Jungkook went closer and opened the door.

The three boys went inside. "What the hell is this?" Jungkook asked, looking at all the tech stuff. "I think it's a drill." Jimin says looking at a few blueprints. "It was a rhetorical question." Jungkook mutters under his breath. "We need to find the one driving this thing to stop them before the earthquakes get stronger." Taehyung says looking at the blueprints next to Jimin.

Just then an alarm goes off. The obnoxious loud sound ringing in their ears as a red light flickers on and off. The door from where they came in locks before they could do anything.

"Well, well. What do we have here."

Working on part 3

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