Taes friends pt 2

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They played Mario cards for some time till they got hungry. In the last round, they played having the winner pick whatever they were going to eat.

"What. No fair." Taehyung whined as Nick threw a banana peel in front of him. Nick just grinned as he went neck to neck with his girlfriend. "Nick I love you but you're not going to win so you might as well give up." Alex said throwing a banana peel in front of Nick and soon after getting a speed booster. Nick's mouth hangs open at the action, making Taehyung laugh while speeding past Nick's character. "See you at the finish line."

Alex won at the end doing a silly winning dance. "We're getting pizza." Alex yelled. "I really wanted Panda Express." Taehyung mumbled pouting. Alex giggled at how cute the boy's pouty face was. "We can eat that when you win. Now let's go before the mall closes."

The three of them walked to the mall laughing as they told each other stories. Nick was in the middle of his when they arrived at the mall.

"What ya pointing at." A big buff guy suddenly stepped towards them. "Huh?" He said standing in front of Nick. Nick quickly makes circles with his fist over his chest trying to say sorry in the only way he knows how. "I asked you a question." The man said getting angrier by the second. "Dude chill. He's trying to say sorry." Alex says to the guy he seemed just a bit older than them. "He can talk for himself so why are you interrupting me, little girl." This comment made Alex snap. "First of all he can't because he's mute and your ass better respects that he's at least trying to say sorry for offending you. Second, don't call me a little girl." Alex snarls having a short temper.

As Alex and the guy get into an argument Taehyung notices that Nick is starting to hyperventilate as they both try to get the two to stop. Taehyung takes his hand and guides him over to a small fountain nearby.

"Hey, it's okay. Just take deep breaths for me." Nick tried to do so but he was too focused on the fight happening not far from them. "Don't look at them. Just focus on me." Taehyung says cupping the boy's cheeks so he could only look at him. For Nick, things around him slowly start to fade out as Taehyung talks to him.

"That's it." Taehyung praises him as his breath finally evens out. Nick hasn't even noticed that the fight has stopped and Alex has joined them. Taehyung let go of Nick's face when the boy was totally calm. Maybe a bit too calm because his focus was solely on Taehyung.

"Nick." Alex says tapping the boy's shoulder. Nick snaps back to reality and turns around to see Alex. Alex signs sorry to him. "It's okay." He signs back. "You were only trying to help."

"How about we go get that pizza now." Taehyung says feeling a bit uncomfortable. The others agree to it and they make their way to the pizzeria.

The three of them walked around a bit after finishing their pizza and are now walking back with ice cream in hand. "It was fun today." Taehyung says a bit sad the day was over. "Yeah, it was." Alex says as Nick nods along smiling.

Took me a while but here is it.

I've been thinking of maybe making a namjin chapter with smut or just elements of smut. Tell me what you think.

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