Pregnancy stories - Pt4

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Namjoon walked back to the bed they were stitting on after he got the last album out of the box. "Jinnie hyung Why are you crying?" He asked seeing his wife shed tears. "I'm just a bit emotional." Jin answered as Namjoon whipped his tears away. "Jungkookie made our family complete. It was one of the happiest times of my life. Especially with how all of you took care of me." "Yeah it was a happy time." "Joonie don't make it sound like we're not happy anymore." "Sorry. Let's open it."

"Joonie look." Jin said pointing at a pictures of his four children around his pregnant belly while he was sleeping. "I remember walking in at the all were whispering to your belly trying not wake you up. When the noticed me they looked like deers in headlights." Namjoon chuckled. "I can remember the time I fell ill in the last few months. You were all so worried." "What else would we be?" Namjoon asked offended. "You gave use quite a scare."

Jin waddled into the living room feeling a bit lightheaded. By now he was six months pregnant.

"Eomma? Are you okay?" Yoongi asked helping his eomma to sit. "I'm fine sugar." "You look a liffle pale." Yoongi said with a slight lips he had since he learned how to talk. And Jin couldn't find it more adorable. "I'm good Yoongi I'm just a bit lightheaded. Could you get some juice for me? Maybe my sugar level is dropping." "Be rifht back eomma." Yoongi said dashing to the kitchen.

"Hey appa. Can you help me get the juice for eomma?" Yoongi asked as he found the juice was all the way at the top shelf in the fridge. "Sure thing sugar."

After helping his son he went back with Yoongi to the living room to see how his beautiful wife was doing.

"Eomma?" Hoseok was lightly tapping on Jin's cheek. "Is eomma asleep?" Namjoon asked as he saw the twins looking a bit distressed on the other couch. "I don't know appa. We were talking and than eomma just closed her eyes while talking." Hoseok explained. "Alright go sit with the twins." Namjoon said as he approached his passed out husband.

He checked his pulse and breathing finding that it was pretty low. Lucky for them Jin opened his eye quickly after. "Jinnie Hyung are you okay?" Namjoon asked. Jin just looked at him dazed. "Here drink this." Namjoon signaled for Yoongi to bring the glass to him and helped Jin drink it. "Hey baby you need to stay awake for me okay." Namjoon said tapping Jin's cheek as Jin closed his eyes.

Not long after Jin's head lulled forward back into his fainting spell. Namjoon had grabbed his phone quickly and called an ambulance and after a friend.

"Hey Jeonhan I have an emergency and I need to leave the kids for a while." Namjoon said keeping his eyes on Jin.

"Okay I'm coming over. Be there in 5."

When Jeonhan entered the house he saw Jin being checked by medics. "Joon what's going on?" Jeonhan asked. "Jin fainted so called an ambulance."

Jeonhan stayed with the kids as their parents made their way to the hospital.

Namjoon luckily didn't have to wait long before the doctor had news over Jin's condition. And could visit him after about a half hour of waiting.

"Hey babe how are you?" Namjoon asked softly when he saw Jin sitting on the hospital bed. "I'm good just a bit woozy." Jin smiled. "The doctor said your sugar blood level dropped." "Figures. I didn't eat much. I was too nauseous to eat." Jin said sadly leaning on Namjoon. "It's okay, but please never scare us like that again."

"Guys. Eomma is back." Namjoon said as he entered the house with Jin. All the kids instantly ran to Jin and hugged him. "Careful. Eomma is still a bit weak."

"Thank you Jeonhan." "Don't worry about it I'm just glad Jin hyung is okay." Jeonhan said before leaving.

"The rest of the day was full of snacks and hugs for you. You loved it." Namjoon chuckled. "Yeah, I did. But speaking of snacks. It's time to feed the children."

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