I giggle.

"Shall we dance horizontally?"

"Not like we haven't danced vertically."

We both laugh.

"Oh after we wrap the video we need to start our wedding stuff. I wanna marry you again before going back on tour."

"Ok baby. I'll call my mom to see if she can come down and help me. I'll send the jet to pick her up."

Dominic walked over to the stereo and the song started playing. This time with the vocals and instruments.

He walked back to me and took my hands again into his.

"I really hope I can do this tomorrow."

"If not then I'll talk to the director. Maybe they can C.G.I. us into the crowd."

I start laughing.

The next morning we drove to the set location. There were a bunch of green screens.

"Hmm maybe they can C.G.I. us."

Few minutes later the rest of the band showed up with there dancing partners.

"Hey girls."

We all said hi to each other.

"So how's your dance going?"

"I was able to do it last night with just Dominic and I."

"Stage fright?"

"Seems like but I was able to do it at the award show."

"Hopefully you can do it today."

"No way in hell I'll let myself put someone else with MY husband thats for damn sure."

Little while later all the other extras started showing up. The director started talking telling everyone where they need to be.

Dominic and I were in the center of everyone with the rest of the band around us.

Everyone got into there positions. Dominic put his hands out taking mine except he pulled me close to him.

"Just like last night baby. Just keep looking into my eyes. Ignore everyone around us. We're all alone."

I shake my head.

We get back in to the starting positions as the music starts. I was actually doing good so far then we got to the instrumental break.

Dominic did the spin then the dip. He ran his hand up my chest to to my throat when the director yelled cut.

"Dominic what the hell was that?"

"It's something that I added to it last night."

"I like it. Ok let's take it from the top."

We started the dance again.

"My eyes babygirl."

"Ok baby."

We made it through the whole dance without me messing up. After the director yelled cut I jumped on Dominic hugging him.

"I'm proud of you my love."

"Thank you! I am too!"

"You should be."

"Apparently you're my happy place."

He smiles.

"Good cause you're mine."

He leans in kissing me.

"Hey Dominic public!"

I hear Dimitri yell. I couldn't help it and started laughing in Dominic's mouth which caused him to laugh.

"I'm gonna get you neutered!"

"The hell you are Dimitri! I'll cut you!"

"Damn my babygirl's vicious! I love it!"

"I don't! She's gonna hurt me!"

"Just stay away from husband's junk!"

We all start laughing.

"You've got a crazy one Dominic."

"Oh you have no idea."

He kisses my forehead.

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