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The next morning I woke up and looked over at Dominic.

I love seeing him like this. Knowing I'm probably the one that knows what he looks like in the morning. His lips slightly parted. His hair a mess and not neatly in place.

"Are you staring at me?"

"Um no."

"You're a bad liar baby girl."

I laugh.

Dominic gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom he walks back to the bed a couple minutes later.

"So what do you wanna do today?"

"Since it's our last full day together for the next three months. Can we just stay here all day."

"Whatever you wanna do baby girl I'm perfectly fine with. Let's go downstairs and get some breakfast."

"Sounds good to me."

We go downstairs to the kitchen. I sit at the counter.

"What do you want this morning?"

"Blueberry pancakes."

"Yes! See this is why we click."

I giggle.

While Dominic's making breakfast I pull out my phone.

"Oh my god."


"I've got like 5,000 new followers on Twitter. And about 3,000 on Instagram! And my Facebook has blown up."

"I can only imagine what mine are like."

"I haven't posted anything since we got together."

"Neither have I actually well except for changing my relationship status."

He kisses my lips softy.

"Come here."


"Because! I'm gonna post something."

"A selfie?"


He laughs. He stands behind me putting his arms around me. I take our picture then he kisses my cheek and I take another one.

"Here this will be better."

He comes around to my side and puts his lips to mine. I take our picture.

"Ok back to my pancakes. You better tag my ass in all of those."

"Duh dude."

I post all three pictures to all my social media accounts with the comment.

"I can't believe this is my life now. It's been two months and I'm falling harder and harder for this man everyday."

I show my phone to Dominic.

"Me too baby."

He kisses me again.

Within seconds both our phones are blowing up with notifications. Little while later Dominic put down a plate of blueberry pancakes.

"You are so awesome."

"I know."

After breakfast we both cleaned up the dishes. After breakfast we sat in the living room watching movies for hours. I started yawning and I noticed he was already sleeping. Instead of sleeping on the couch I'm going upstairs to that big comfy bed.

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