Chapter 40

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6 months later-

Eun Rim's POV

I had been feeling particularly unwell these past few days and today morning after I woke up to a nauseous headache,I knew something was really wrong with me.

I gathered the strength to get up from my bed and started today's chores.

"Good morning,Eun Rim" Chanyeol's aunt,Min greeted me as I made my way toward the kitchen,after washing up and getting changed.

"Good morning" I replied back.
"What do you think we should make for breakfast?" She asked.

I thought for a second and realized I wanted to eat pancakes.
"Pancakes?" I asked and she replied with a wink and a smile.

We made the breakfast together and ate it with Chanyeol's father. We sat around the long table,and ate our breakfast mostly in silence.
Chanyeol's aunt was very talkative,unlike his father who was a keen listener. I could totally see where Chanyeol got his ability to talk so much from.

After breakfast,I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes, though the maid usually did it. I just felt like I wanted to do some work.

"Eun Rim! You don't need to do that,come on" auntie Min came to me and prevented me from working.

"It's really no problem, auntie"I said. She sighed and shook her head.

"We don't make our daughter in law work okay?" She said as she put a piece of my hair behind my ear. I smiled at how sweet she was .

I felt greatful to her sometimes because after the war ended,she immediately accepted me as her daughter in law and asked me to patiently wait for her nephew,and stay in their house as a newly wed bride of his.

Time passed by and slowly I had started to get used to Chanyeol's absence. He is always somewhere in the. Back of my mind but it no longer breaks my heart to think about him. I was sure that one day he'd come for me and we would be United again. Auntie used to say the same thing to me on occasions when I missed Chanyeol so much that I couldn't help but cry my eyes out.
Chanyeol's father and aunt have as if become my own family members now. I felt safe when I was with them and staying with them also meant I got to be close to Chanyeol,even if it was just the feeling of his presence

"Okay. I won't do it" I said,defeated and smiled at her . But as I move towards the door to exit the kitchen,my head started spinning and my vision became blurry.
I held the handle of the door to hold myself from falling.

"Eun Rim!" Auntie Min came and supported from behind, visibly worried by my sudden lightheadedness.
She wrapped her arm around my shoulder as she yelled something to the maids. I couldn't focus on anything because all I felt was a killing pain in my head . My heart beat rose and before I even realized,my vision became completely black.


"Are you sure?" I heard auntie Min's voice as I became conscious after my blackout.
"Yes. It's sure . I could feel the pulses"I heard another voice- a male voice talking to auntie Min.

"Okay. Thank you so much, physician Gu" She said.

"No problem,madam Park,and congratulations to your nephew and his wife." The physician left and I heard the sound of the door closing behind him .

I opened my eyes and looked around the room, trying to take in my surroundings. Auntie Min notice that I woke up and immediately came towards me.

"How are you feeling, Eun Rim?" She asked running her hand across my face. I tried to smile as I replied to her.
"I'm better ,now" I replied although it wasn't exactly true.
I was feeling weak and my head felt heavy,but I didn't tell her that. I didn't want her to worry about me, not while she still has to worry about Chanyeol's welfare and the time of his return.

"What did the physician say?" I asked, sitting up. Auntie placed a pillow behind my back and helped me up.

"Well" she fumbled with her dress, sitting beside me with her lips pressed  together.  I noticed that she looked very similar to Chanyeol when she did that,it almost reminded me of Chanyeol's face when he was unsure of what to say.
"What? Is it something bad?" I asked as I felt my heart beat fast. I hoped I hadn't contracted some deadly disease. I did not want to die before I could see  Chanyeol once again,at least.

"You're pregnant" she said as she held my hand, comfortingly and tearing up a little.
I felt relief wash over me and my heart exploded with sudden happiness.
"Oh my God" I covered my mouth with my hand ,shocked with the news. I felt myself laugh and tear up at the same time.
Auntie Min got up and hugged me and said,"Congratulations Eun Rim. I really wished Chanyeol were here too"
I closed my eyes as the tears fell and I dragged my hand over my stomach, caressing it.

"Come back home soon, Chanyeol. Your child is waiting for you,too now" I thought in my mind.


Mixed emotions on this chapter. But I definitely want to name the child after me😂

Hope you guys are having a great winter break ❤


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