Chapter 38

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Eun Rim's POV

We reached Silla the next morning and what I see there,horrfies me.

There are dead bodies of soldiers being picked up and carried away for the cremation.Houses were burnt down and grains and fruits and vegetables were sprawled all over the streets. It was horrible what war could do even to such a  beautiful country like Silla.
Chanyeol sighed as we make our way towards the main palace. He seemed really down the whole ride here and Everytime I ask him what happened,he just smiles and says he's just worried about the king.
But I have a gut feeling that that wasn't the reason he was acting so strange.

At the entrance of the main palace,I saw Baekhyun and Minho, wearing their war uniform and waving at us. I smiled back at them.

"Congratulations on the wedding" Minho said and hugged Chanyeol as he hugged him back.
Baekhyun looked at me with sad eyes and broken smile,as if something bad was about to happen to.

"Can I talk to you for sometime?" He said .I looked over at Chanyeol for permission and he nodded.

I go behind the palace ,to the escape passage through which we had gone to Goryeo, secretly.

"What is it?" I asked him.
He sighed and bowed his head.

"I'm sorry, princess" he said .
I frowned. What was he sorry about?

"Why are you saying sorry? " I asked.
He gave me a scroll and gestured me to read it.

By the time I read the whole scroll,I realized what he was sorry about. I felt my heart beat like crazy and tears pooling in my eyes. I held them back.
I needed to be brave at a moment like.this. Instead of thinking about Chanyeol's absence from my life,I tried to see the bigger picture of, that is,the safety of the king and queen of Silla. I was angry,no doubt,but duty comes before family.

"It's fine" I gave it back to Baekhyun, trying to seem cheerful but failing at it.

"I'm really sorry Eun Rim. I know you wished someone else went with him but all of us had fought the war and people will suspect if they see us sneak out. They won't doubt Chanyeol, I'm sure. "Baekhyun reassured me. I nodded. I wished he'd stop talking about it because the more I heard Chanyeol's name,the more I wanted to start sobbing.

How unfair was life with me! I lost my mother at a young age , my father just passed away two days ago,my friends were so far away from here,my sister's safety at risk and my husband, being taken away from me for what might seem like forever,just a day and a half after our wedding.

"He'll be back within a year right?" I asked.
He rubbed the back of his neck.

"More or less,yes. I promise you it'd be over soon. He'll be fine and he'll with the king and queen so nothing to worry about" Baekhyun said and looked over my shoulder.

I heard the footsteps of horse coming from behind and Yoona's voice talking to King Hyungsik.

"Eun Rim!" She came running to me as I turned around to face them. She hugged me tight and cried silently for a minute or two. I let her grief over our father and also let myself cry at their departure.
"Are you going to be okay Alone? I asked my personal maids to help you out if you need anything. " She enquried,her cheeks still glistening with moisture.

" I'll be okay, Unnie. Don't worry you be safe. I'll be at my husband's house,the park household so I'm sure I'll be fine." I looked at Chanyeol,who stood with the king behind The king.
He looked sad and his nose was red,his eyes trying not to meet mine.
"You take care of yourself and your majesty too, okay? " I said, rubbing her tears.

She nodded sadly and then I make my way toward Chanyeol,my husband and my lover, leaving me alone for god knows how long. He smiled but as soon as I hugged,he burst into tears.
We patted and comforted each other as we both cry into each other's arms.

I wished time would stop right there and then,with Chanyeol hugging me and crying along with me. I wished the war would end and the King and Queen didn't have to leave with Chanyeol. I wished we'd never come back here and as selfish as it sounded,I wished I could elope far away from this agitated land with Chanyeol,the love of my life.

I broke the hug and looked at him, forcing a smile.

"I love you" he whispered.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek again.

"I love you too. "I replied.

King Hyungsik cleared his throat, ending our perfect moment and said," We should get going now"

I looked at Chanyeol one last time as he pressed his lips against my temples and then got up on his horse.
King Hyungsik and Yoona did the same .

"Take care" Baekhyun said to the three of them as they entered the secret passage and off into the wild.
I watched Chanyeol's back till I could no longer see it,and tried to remember it. I remembered the crumpled clothes he wore and the creases that ran across his back..I remembered his hair flying with the wind as he rode his horse . I remembered his soft, wanting gaze as he looked back at me one last time.

I gulped down the tears threatening to fall .

Baekhyun smiled at me sadly." Come on. I'll take you to the Park household now. "
I shook my head.
"No. I'm not going there until I get my hands on that Jongin and Junmyeon,the reason I was separated from my husband. " I said with hatred.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" He asked.

"By fighting in the war with you all"I replied.

Updated after a while but hope y'all liked it ❤

Also,sorry for the mistakes in the chapter. I had to update this chapter in a hurry so I shall edit it as soon as possible.


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