Chapter 32

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Eun Rim's POV

"You're majesty, I was the one who had been smuggling letters from the Enemies to inside the palace. I hope you can forgive me, your majesty. I'm really sorry but they're going to kill my mother if you don't give up your throne,o mighty King" Minseok was on his knees in front of the king as the King held his daily court.

Seemed like our plan worked but not in a way we imagined. We were hoping that Minseok would be more competitive and would probably start a fight,since he was supporting the Enemies.
But turned out that he was a coward and a player ,who only wanted to be on the safe side.

"How dare you betray your own king!" King hyungsik yelled.

"I'm so sorry your majesty but those people would have killed my mother. In fat, they still will. Please help me your majesty" Minseok begged.

King hyungsik looked so angry,I was afraid he might just kill Minseok right there.

"What makes you think that I would or any one else within the palace boundaries would help you ?" The king replied.
Just then,two of the king's soldiers enter . The king had sent them to look at Minseok's house and look for his mother,in case he was lying and his mother was after all in his house.
But little did they know that the old lady was taken back to her house,a little before sunrise.

We made it look like Minseok was lying.

I was starting to feel that maybe we were doing the wrong thing by getting Minseok in such a situation and that maybe he was just doing everything to save his mother but remembering what he did in front of the king,what he did to Chanyeol and what he said to Jongin,I was sure he did everything out of his own choice too.

"The woman is at home your majesty,the knight is lying"the soldier said.
The king sighed and looked over at us.

"A person that I thought was so close to me,was so loyal, turned out to be a traitor! If anyone of you are doing the same thing, I suggest that you guys surrender because I will find out eventually"he said.
No one moved.

"Alright,so now," he turned to Minseok," instead of punishing you,I have an even worse thing for you "

Minseok gulped.
"I want you to go and tell your 'masters' that I've open declared war on them and their limited troops and make sure they know, you'll be fighting for my side,the side which you didn't choose."

Oh God.

I look at Baekhyun and Chanyeol as their eyes turned wide. This was not what we wanted, definitely not what we wanted.
"Your majesty, are you sure? It may be too early for this. "Sehun interrupted.

"I'm sure Jongin and his minions are more than ready for war and I'm just giving it to them"the king replied.

Later that evening,Yoona Unnie came up to me.
The whole day ,it felt as if a dark cloud was on top of everyone's head as the news of the war spread. Many people hid in their house ,markets closed down and almost all accessible public places were closed.

"I never expected something like this to happen" she said to me.
"I agree." I replied,not knowing what to say.

She looked at me and held my hand, supportively.

"I know Chanyeol must be busy with preparation for the war but I want a favor from you guys" she said."I want you guys to go to brother Joo hyuk's Coronation. The king approved of this and he feels that it'd be good if you could like gather in more army from there. I'm sure father and Joo hyuk would to help us."

"But Unnie, we should be staying here and protecting you" I argued.

She held up her hand.
"No. You have to go. If no one from Silla goes , it'd be problematic. Please. We'll be fine here. You and Chanyeol go and come back as soon as possible. "She held my shoulder.

"Okay, okay. I understand. We'll go" I replied.

"But when should we leave?" I asked .
"Tonight" was what she said.


Tonight was a full moon night ,and as I got up on my horse,ready to leave, I see the moon, shining so brightly above us,it felt unreal.

"Take this with you" Yoona Unnie gave me a locket which was probably blessed by the priest. "It'll protect you from anything bad" she said.

She gave another locket to Chanyeol.
"Be back soon. And Don't worry about anything else, we'll handle it" Baekhyun said to us.
We both nodded. King Hyungsik couldn't be here to bid us goodbye since he was busy with preparing for the war so he sent Baekhyun instead.
Chanyeol got up on his horse and together,we left the palace gate.

I silently prayed for our safety and of Silla's too ,as we rode towards the horizon, aiming for Goryeo. I didn't know if our visit was for better or for worse but one thing  was for sure, nothing would be same when we returned from there.


New update yayy!
Hope you guys are liking how the plot is taking shape. I can assure you that this story won't disappoint you!

Also please check out my new Taehyung fanfiction. It's in my profile ❤❤

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