As they walked along, they were now walking on top of a boardwalk. It creaked every now and then, adding to Aurora's anxiety. Jungkook promised her that she would be safe no matter what. Trying to ignore her heavy breathing, Aurora nods, allowing Jungkook to comfort her soul. Many people turned their eyes to see them and would whisper incredulously. Aurora couldn't figure out why everywhere she went, people were talking about them. Perhaps they recognize him, Aurora thought. That made her even more uneasy—to the point of nausea.

Shaking her head, she forced her negative emotions to leave her mind. They both reached the bottom of the bridge, relieving Aurora of her pain. Letting her go, Jungkook softly took her shoulder and got on one knee. "Are you alright now?"

Some females covered their mouth in awe. They kept on whispering to each other that he might be proposing to her, but that was most definitely not the case.

"Yeah, I'm much better now." Aurora nods. "Thank you for being patient with me."

Jungkook's eyes lit up. Patience...of course. "Of course," He bows, erecting himself.

The girls frowned in disappointment. "False alarm..."

As they continued along, Aurora and Jungkook met a fork in the road. Aurora wasn't too sure of which path they should take. The left side led down a ramp and eventually to stairs, as the right path led to a lingering slope that stretched a mile more. Aurora asked Jungkook which path did he think was reasonable. Jungkook examined both paths, concluding that it would be best to just ask someone else. He asked a couple which route would lead them to a train to head back to The North Sea. They answered that the right path will.

Jungkook took Aurora along. As they finally reached the end of the path, Aurora scoffed grumpily, "Well, finally the bridge ended! Why the hell does it linger all the way to the intersection?!"

Jungkook looks around. In the distance, he saw Hay Street.

"Hay Street is down this way," He leads.

Aurora felt eyes on her as she began to follow him. Turning around abruptly, she plastered on a nonfriendly face and glared at the police officers that gave her a certain look. She felt uncomfortable by the way their eyes roamed over her body. Turning away, she hurried to Jungkook and grabbed his hand. Jungkook thought that Aurora was slowing him down, so he slowed his pace.

The girl glanced back once more to see if the cops were still eyeing her. Their eyes were lingering and they grinned at each other. Aurora grimaced at their crude behavior, holding Jungkook's hand even tighter. After reaching Hay Street, they hurried across and walked for about fifteen minutes until they reached another train station. "I believe this is the station we need."

"Are you sure?" Aurora questions doubtfully.

"Would you like me to double check?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay," Jungkook and Aurora went downstairs, seeing that there were no TTA operators around.

"Great..." Aurora sighs. Before she had a chance to suggest, Jungkook was already asking other people for directions. They gladly informed him that the A Train would lead them to The North Sea.

"So, we have to jump the turnstiles, again." Aurora frowned

Jungkook nodded. "Yes."

Aurora sighed, dragging herself to the turnstile. Sticking her head out, she looked around to see if any cops were watching. She hops over, catching the hem of her dress before it flew any higher. Jungkook proudly followed behind her. Worried that she was becoming a bad influence on him, Aurora told Jungkook that today would be the last time they jumped any turnstile. Jungkook didn't see what the problem was. They were only doing what they needed to do in order to get home—according to his intelligence.

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