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I continued with my weight lifting. When I looked over at Erin she had her headphones on and was running on the treadmill. She was wearing black leggings and a navy blue vest over a black sports bra. Her little 10 week bump clearly visible but only little.

"How you holding up?" I smiled over to her.

"I'm okay!" She smiled as she finished up on the treadmill and moved over to the bench, wiping herself with the towel and grabbing her bottle of water. I finished up lifting and then went over to Erin and sat with also drinking my water.

"How did you find that? First pregnancy work out?"

"So good. I enjoyed that." She smiled. "Shall we head home then? We've got a meeting this afternoon."



"Fucking wonderful." I sighed. "What about?"

"You and me and our positions within CPD. It's not going to be nice."

"Great. I'm guessing uniform?"

"Well you've got to wear yours but I can wear anything." She smiled.


After getting home, getting changed and heading out to headquarters I began worrying. My head was telling me different things, could me having this baby end up being the end of our careers in CPD? It was worrying me.

"Let's get it over with shall we?" He smiled taking my hand as we walked in, we sat in the waiting room together and I couldn't help but look at him, he was wearing his black suit, he had all his medals on it and his hat. He smiled at me so I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm worried.." I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm worried about what they are going to say."

"Don't worry, it won't be anything bad.." He laughed holding my hand. I just smiled a little bit and then shut my eyes. We sat there for about 20 minutes before we were called into the interview room. I smiled when Hank was among the 3 people who stood up on the opposite side of the desk.

"Welcome I hope you are both well." Commander Crawley smiled. "I've bought you both in because we are a little confused about what's going on. We need to look into what's going to happen from now on. Hank has told us about the pregnancy, so congratulations." He smiled as we all sat down again. Jay took my hand under the table.

"Thank you. So what do you need to know?" I smiled trying to stay strong.

"How long is it until you are coming to work again?"

"Not until after the baby is born. I've got 7 months to go until I'm due and I want to be able to stay home with my baby and recover. Because I know if I come back to work after giving birth my judgement will be clouded." I sighed.

"Thank you for the honesty Erin. When do you think you'll be ready to come back to work?" Hank smiled reassuringly and Jay squeezed my hand.

"I'm not sure, it depends on the birth and how myself and baby are recovering post birth. I would like 6 weeks? But again it has factors." I smiled. "As you know it will take me a little longer to recover than a normal birth because of the injury I suffer with."

"That has been taken into account. What about yourself Jay? Of course you will want to support Erin but you also have a career to worry about." Crawley smiled.

"I love my job Commander but my wife and family come before anyone. Especially knowing the possible health risks that this and any pregnancy carry for both my wife and my baby. I am willing to work until the week before Erin is due, and again I don't know how long I'll need off after, it depends how well Erin recovers because I don't want to be leaving her alone with a new baby and our 2 children if she's not recovered and feeling well?" He smiled looking between everything then me and kissing my head.

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