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The pain that hit when I tried to move nearly killed me. The problem was I couldn't move because I couldn't feel anything below like my chest. I could feel my face, neck, chest, arms and hands but that was it. I was in this room alone from what I could see and my throat killed because I had a tube down it. I managed to press around until I touched a button and that's when someone come in. She had short brown hair and a lovely smile.

"Let me get this tube out lovely." She smiled. I just nodded as she began to take it out. I smiled as she put my bed up. "Erin? How are you feeling?"

"Erin? What?"

"I'm asking how you are feeling?"

"I'm okay. I don't really know what's going on..? Who's Erin?" I sighed looking around. "Why am I in hospital? What's going on?"

"You are Erin Lindsay? Do you not remember anything?"

"I don't know what's happening.. I don't remember who Erin is? I don't know anything about myself or why I'm here..." I began to cry.

"It's okay. My name is Natalie, I'm your doctor, do you remember Jay?"

"Who's Jay?"

"Okay no worries well I'll be here to look after you." She smiled. "I'm just going to pop out for 5 minutes."


"Dr Rhodes, Dr Becker thank you for coming down." I smiled.

"What's the matter?"

"It's Erin. She's awake, I've removed the throat tube but she's got no recall of anything, she doesn't even know her own name or Jay or me. Can we get her in for a CT scan right now?"

"Yeah get her prepped and we will take her up." Ava sighed.

"Get Jay here as well please." Connor sighed walking off to make the phone call for the scan.


She come back in and smiled. She began writing stuff down and I still had no clue what was going on.

"I can't feel anything.."

"Yeah we know.. It's part of the accident. It's upsetting because you won't know what I'm saying but your husband is on the way."

"My husband? What's happening?"

"Yeah you are married to Jay but that doesn't matter, he's on his way and you can speak with him. Hopefully you'll remember stuff.." She sighed holding my hand.

"How long have I been in here for?"

"16 weeks.."

"4 months?"

"Yeah you've been here for 4 months, it's horrible I know but when Jay gets here and you've had your scans done we can explain everything properly." She smiled. She filled in some more work before she left me once again. I managed to reach other to my apparent wedding and engagement ring which were on the table next to me and they were beautiful. The prettiest gold and diamond rings ever. Whoever Jay was he clearly loved me, but I wish I could remember him, I couldn't remember what he looked like, what he sounded like, anything. I must of sat there for about 10 minutes looking through the items which I had surrounding my bed, nothing made sense to me, a teddy, photos of children. I wasn't even sure what was going on anymore.

There was a knock on the door and a guy walked in, he looked about my age, brown hair, beautiful brown and green eyes. He smiled at me but he had tearful eyes. I smiled but there was a sense of fear and concern because I had no clue who he was.

"Hey Erin.." He smiled.

"Jay right?" I smiled as he come over and sat in the armchair next to the bed.

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