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"I don't understand what's going on? Explain to me again please?" I smiled.

"She was involved we don't know what's going on. All we know is she was outside of her house, the guy got shot and now I don't know what's going on. This is a pending investigation. She's back from the hospital, she's had her injury cleaned and sorted out so she's okay. She's in holding."

"Well I demand not as a Detective but purely as her fiancé to see her."

"Come with me now and we'll see her for a few minutes then you are banned pending the investigation." He sighed. I went down before him, unlocking all the doors with my own set of keys attached to my badge.


We got down the stairs. I left all my keys, my gun and my wallet in the tray on the window ledge and Hank unlocked the cell. I ran in there and Erin was sat in the corner on the floor looking at the wall in front of her.

"Erin? Are you okay?" I smiled.


"We'll get you out soon."


"At least and try and talk to me properly."


"Erin oh come on please. Let's sort this out."

"What is there to talk about? For god sake. Leave me alone." I just sighed and walked out after she shouted. I grabbed all my stuff back and we went upstairs back into the office. I sat down at my desk and just put my head in my hands.

"She'll be okay." Hank smiled as he walked past. I just wanted to punch him. I felt so angry, I felt pushed away. I just wanted to make sure she was okay. She had been having a really tough time with everything and this didn't help things.

* * *

"Well I've planned things out I guess. I mean I've got a table booked tonight for dinner to cheer her up." I smiled.

"I'm sure she'll have a great time. Where is she now?" He smiled.

"Staying with her mum again. From what I've heard she got released from holding like 2 hours ago and because I was at work she went to her mums."

"I'm going to go get her now though. Now I've finished and I'm going to go out with her tonight so we can build on our relationship again." I laughed. I got my coat on and locked up my gun and locker before running down to the BMW.

"Do you want some dinner?" She smiled.

"Mum I'm fine. I want to sleep."

"Well are you going to go home?"

"In the morning." I smiled. I yawned and made myself a pot noodle and a cup of tea and went upstairs. I heard a car pull up outside and Jay got out the car. Literally before he could walk from the car to the door I got this sudden burst of energy, ran downstairs and outside in my dressing gown and PJ bottoms and jumped up wrapping round his waist. He held my legs round his waist and I cried into his shoulder. He kissed my cheek before carrying me into the house.


I put her down and we hugged properly before sitting down on the sofa. I smiled at her and then she looked at her mum who just walked off into the kitchen. The bright smile and happiness from her eyes just fell so quickly. It all just disappeared.

"I have booked us a table at the posh little place down the street." I smiled.

"Oh my god. Seriously?"

"Yeah. Ready to go home? Then we can get ready and go out." I laughed. She nodded and then ran upstairs and grabbed her handbag and didn't even bother getting dressed. Just got her stuff and off we went. She ran out and jumped in the car. Ready to go. I got in and without another word we drove off and headed back to the apartment. I parked up and she ran inside. I ran after her as the rain began to pour.

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