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Gabby lifted up a blanket and pinned it on 2 rocks so it covered Jay from his waist down, we couldn't see anything. I didn't even want to question it. I held Jay's hand and just watched his face. Gabby put morphine into his drip and he was so out of it there was no way we could have a proper conversation.

"Erin I love you.."

"I love you too." I smiled.


My main concern was Erin. She was pale and pasty, Ethan was focused on Jay throughout the surgery. Erin was clearly worried. She had a hold of his hand and she was smiling at him but through tearful eyes.

"Erin do you need a drink or the oxygen mask back?" I smiled.

"No I'm fine thank you.." She sighed smiling at me quickly before her attention went back to Jay. "Gabby? Will he be okay?"

"Yeah he'll be fine. Do you know what's going on or not?"

"I'm not sure. I'm really not sure."

"Okay Erin listen to me. You are in a state of shock, you don't know what's going on but there's nothing for you to worry about okay? Everything will be explained in the hopsital so don't worry. You are fine and Jay is fine." I smiled. She just looked at me before nodded and looking down to Jay.


Gabby helped to get Jay on this stretcher under several blankets. I remember being helped up and having to go out following Jay. I was allowed to hold his hand and he was completely strapped onto it. His eyes we were rolling but he was smiling up at me. When we finally made it out the broad daylight hit me and made me sick. I managed to stay with Jay until they loaded him onto the ambulance. They told me I could meet him there so I wandered around trying to find Hank or Kim or anyone but my eyes were blurry and stinging.

"Oh my god Erin. It's been 3 days. Let's get you into this ambulance.." Kim's voice sighed as she took my hand and guided me up some steps and onto a bed.


She was dirty and bloody. Her clothes ripped and covered in dust. She had tear stains and make up stains down her face. She sighed as I sat her down. I shut the back of the ambulance doors and she cried. She was making this whimpering noise with the pain she was in. She had no really bad injuries but it was bad enough it had put her body into shock. I held her hand and she just closed her eyes.

"Can I see Jay as soon as we get there?"

"I mean do you need to be checked over?"

"No. I just need a shower.." She sighed.


I got to the hospital, went to the bathroom and washed my eyes so I could see before going out to track down Jay. When I got in there he wasn't in the room.

"He's gone for surgery just to make sure everything is okay.." Will smiled.

"When will he back in here?" I smiled.

"About 30 minutes? You are more than welcome to sit in here until he is back.." He smiled.

"Yeah I will thank you." I smiled as I sat down into the armchair. There was a space where his bed would go. The other 3 beds on the ward were full but I chose to ignore them. 1 of them kept staring at me but I had enough to think about.

"Erin I want you to have a ultrasound scan at some point please?"

"Whatever fine.."


My eyes were twitching and it actually made me feel sick. Then a gentle grip on my shoulder startled me.

"Hey you.." Erin's dirty tearful face smiled.

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