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It was quite scary actually. It was on my shoulders now. If I got ill or Florence became poorly or get any worse this surgery wouldn't be taking place.

Everyone congratulated us and now 6 days after finding out we were finally starting with the paperwork for the surgery. Jay sat with me while Natalie went through the forms.

"So by singing this piece of work it is saying you will be admitted to hospital and kept under observation for at least 12 hours." She smiled.

"Okay wonderful." I smiled. I took the pen and signed on the dotted line quite happily.

"Okay next bit Erin. This is stating you know the risks. So now I'm going to tell you the risks for both you and Florence. You will be signing on behalf of both of you. But for now let's go with the risks of Florence. Flo will be placed under a mask because of her age. She'll be kept on high observations and she will have to stay on a ventilator but the surgery needs to be completed quickly because if she is kept on it for to long her heart won't be able to deal with it and her body will reject the heart once it's pumping again." She smiled. "Now the risks for you are, mainly that you might be too weak to deal with the surgery. If you become weak and you're vitals drop too low then the rate of being able to revive you is about 40%. If you're first set of bone marrow doesn't match with Florence, depending on how you respond to the surgery you may be asked to donate again or if it's negative you might be told we will have to test someone again. But for now if you agree to all of this we will get you admitted and you can stay with Florence, you can stay in her room. It's a double room so we can set you up a bed in there. We will perform tests and observe you for 12 hours and see where things take us." She smiled. I signed the final bit of paper and she left us. Jay turned to me and held my hand.

"You will make it through this fine. You are going to be fine." He smiled.

"I've got this." I laughed gently. He was tearing up but trying so hard to seem fine.

"Let's get back to Florence." I smiled taking his hand as we headed through to her room again.


The porters bought a second hospital bed in and set it about a foot away from Florence. They put some observation machines in between the beds so Erin could be hooked up. She went to go and see Nat about something while I sat with Flo. I watched as they made the bed and placed a blue file that had all of Erin's medical history in at the end of the bed. Connor had popped home for me and dropped off 2 bags with stuff for both Erin and Flo. Erin come in with a smile. She had her glasses on and a cup of tea in her hand.

"Feeling prepared?" I smiled.

"Yeah I'm good. Apparently they are going to come and do some tests and stuff in a minute for me." She smiled. "Yeah so apparently they are coming to take blood and get me set up."

"Okay that's cool." I smiled. She went and sat on her newly made up bed. She laid out and picked up her book and began reading it.


I had this nervous feeling. I was excited because I was helping out Florence but at the same time I was so scared. What if she didn't take to my transplant? It was all just one big waiting game now. It was waiting for the tests to come back and seeing if we were both healthy enough to do it really. Jay come over and gave me a small kiss before leaving for work so I stayed reading my book and watching Florence. I laid here for 20 minutes before Will come in.

"Hey you." I smiled.

"How you holding up?" He smiled as he wrote down in my medical records.

"Yeah I'm alright." I sighed. "Just nervous."

"Don't be. Well right now I'm going to hook you up to a heart monitor and take you're blood pressure." He smiled as he attached the clip to my index finger and put the blood pressure cuff on my arm. I closed my eyes while he kept writing stuff down. "Sharp pain." He smiled as he took a sample of blood out my other arm.

"Ouch Will that hurt." I laughed.

"It was meant to." He smiled gently.

"Want to prod me around anymore?" I smiled.

"Yeah is that okay? I want to do a abdominal examination and I want to test you're physical ability with you're legs and arms if that's okay?" He smiled. I lifted my top up slightly and he did a pressure press of my abdomen and then he got me to move my legs and arms around in different ways to check physical activity. He was doing it to ensure I had the physical ability to make sure that post surgery I didn't get any blood clots. He finally left me in peace so I was still hooked up to all the machines for observations but I was able to just relax. I laid there continuing to read my book when just as I got into it and he come back in and put a canula in with a saline drip. I just gave him a filthy look and laughed.

"Wow William Halstead. All I'm trying to do is read my book." I sighed.

"Oh I am very sorry." He sighed. He pretended to be angry but then he burst into laughter. He then become serious and he placed himself gently on the edge of my bed.

"What's up?" I smiled.

"Are you 100% you want to go through with this?" He held my hand gently.

"Yeah I'm sure." I smiled.

"Only because I don't want to lose you. Also if anything was to happen Jay wouldn't be able to live with himself. He would blame you. So please Erin be careful." He smiled.

"I'm okay Will." I hugged him gently before he carried on with his other rounds. I smiled as he left and I finally managed to read a page of my book.


6 hours after being admitted.

(Will's perspective.)

I was nervous for them. It hadn't been decided who was performing the surgery but I wish it was either me, Connor or Becker. It really needed to be someone Jay trusted. Jay was just a nervous wreck so it needed to be good and go well.

"How's Erin?" Connor patted my back as he sipped his coffee sitting next to me.

"Hey. She's good I think. She's in there, last time I saw her she was having a go at me for disturbing her." I laughed gently.

"She's had a lot of visitors today." He sighed.

"Has she actually? Who?" I smiled.

"I don't know. A women and then some man went in and left about 2 minutes ago." He smiled before dumping his coffee cup and walking off into resus. I grabbed my folder and signed it before going into see Erin and Florence. Erin was asleep so I carefully changed her drip and then cleaned her canula for her. Erin's heartrate and vitals were dropping slowly.

"Connor." I called.

"What's up?" He smiled, he come in and stood on the opposite side of the bed. "Why are her vitals so low?" He sighed flicking through her folder.

"I'm not sure. She's not coming out in a rash or anything." I picked her hand and took her pulse, it was weak. I tapped her shoulder until she woke up. Her eyes were yellow and she was weak. Her eyes were rolling and she was slurring.

"Okay there's something wrong." Connor chucked her folder and he bought her bed seat up so she was sat up. She threw up on him and I began untangling her wires.

"I think we need to get blood samples."

"Yeah I'll work on that." He smiled. He went out to get a nurse to take blood. I managed to get her a sick bowl and I held it as I stood with her while she continued to be sick. Connor come in and April drew some blood.

"Chase up her urine samples too please. When she's stopped being sick I'm going to take her down for a CT and an MRI." I sighed as I rubbed her back while she was sick some more. About 20 minutes later Connor come in with 2 porters and began taking Erin for her scans. This was all we needed. She couldn't get ill, if she was ill it would mean we couldn't perform the surgery. We needed this surgery for Florence.

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