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I hadn't spoken to anyone since finding out what was going on. I sat on my bed, I knew Hank was still at my side but I had my eyes closed and I was holding onto the bed sheet gently. I heard footsteps getting closer.

"Jay? Can we talk for a moment?"

"What's going on?" I sighed.

"Jay just listen to me." Will sighed.

"I am listening Will."

"Do you want to come and see Erin? She's asking for you."

"Yeah I'd like to see her please." I smiled. I got my crutches and followed him upstairs and onto the new ward. When we went there she still had the neck collar thing on but she was sat up with a tearful smile on her face. I smiled and went over, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling her into a warm embrace.

"What an earth happened to you?"

"I didn't see a car and then yeah just hit me. I hit my head on the pavement." She coughed. Will took off her neck brace and she hugged me properly. I kissed her head and felt the lump and dressing on her bottom of her neck. I had a little look and she had a cut that went up from the bottom of her neck up her head a bit. She sat back and I just watched her.

"Never again are we leaving each other on a argument. Not after this."

"It wasn't really a argument." I smiled.

"Just shut up. Apparently after a check up I should be able to go home tonight."

"Okay well Will hopefully thinks when you can go tonight I'll go with you." I nodded. Will smiled in agreement. I sat on the end of the bed with her and we had a little laugh and a small chat. I showed her how I could now walk without the crutches and just made sure I used them when everything began aching and stuff like that. Luckily falling on the floor yesterday crying didn't injure me.


Finally half past 8 and we were finally allowed home. Hank dropped us off at the apartment. Jay managed all the stairs without his crutches. He had a slightly limp but it all seemed okay. Gregg turned up at 9. I made everyone a cup of tea and popped a couple painkillers. Between the 3 of us we made a sofa bed for Gregg and then finally at 11 we made it to bed. He got into bed and held the pillow against his chest, he closed his eyes. I cleaned my teeth before coming back into the bedroom and moving over to my desk and accidently knocking a glass on the floor. It smashed and Jay sat up and his breathing was heavy and he literally grabbed me around my neck from behind.

"Jay get off me!" I screamed. Gregg come running in and pulled Jay off me, pushing him down on the bed and shouting at him until he snapped out of it and he began crying instead. I sat back down on the bed and grabbed him, hugging him and kissing his head.

"It's okay Jay." I smiled kissing his head gently.


2 days in and it was my first day back at work. Gregg was staying with us still. I got up and went into the bathroom, washing my face and cleaning my teeth before going into the bedroom and carefully getting my clothes out the cupboard, a coat hanger hit the door and I heard Jay get up and come at me.

"Jay calm down!" I shouted. He grabbed my arm and gave me this Chinese burn type of thing. Honestly my arm was burning and bruised. The skin had come up, blood spots and so badly bruised. I pushed him away and went outside the bedroom and just left straight away to work.

I got there eventually and I wore a long sleeve black blouse to cover up the bruises. Hank smiled as I sat at my desk, tears filling my eyes.

"Erin come into my office please." He smiled. I got up went inside and burst into tears.

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